
May 13, 2002 11:49

i am at school. current situation = horrible, i cant wait to die, seriously.

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Re: SWEET anonymous May 13 2002, 19:09:38 UTC
yes sean, rebelious behavior, wut the fuck is ur problem being so god damn immature lately? We was gonna stay out of this post, but if ur too thick headed to realize when people are trying to help u out and not just bitching cuz they feel like it, then u don't deserve any friends. You have no reason to say all that harsh shit to Rachel. Just cause someone breaks up with u, and actually has decent reasons i might add, that doesn't give u any reason to hate them, now THATS being just sulfish. You need to either get ur act to together or who knows wut will become of u. Several of us are sick of ur ignorance with seatbelts, bats in stores, not paying for shit, putting other people down when they dont want to be a part of illegal activities like u do, and etc.
After u went out with Rachel u started changing urself to be more like her, but don't u think that the reason she went out with u in the first place is because of the person u already were? We just don't understand it. And neither does anyone else. How can someone be so thick headed as to think that it isn't right to wear seatbelts cuz "you don't think your going to get into an accident". stuff like that just happens. Its never planned, and if u want to die in a car crash and blame it on "fate", then do it in someone elses car. And i don't think anyone else should reply to this who isn't sean owen, or closely affiliated with this group. otherwise you probably wont have the full story. That'd be much appreciated, and would save alot of crap. As for anything else, Sean, you were a great friend to us but lately the feeling is not the same. And if your going to reply to this with a bunch of shit about us being selfish or mean or something rediculous like that, then you're lost to us. but i hope that isn't the case. I hope u take this as a showing of us caring, rather than us being mean. You can't just keep not dealing with ur problems, and not talking about them, it just bottles up, and eats away at u. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be writing any of this. and thats the truth, take it as you may. We hope YOU care enough to understand that.

-Mark & Ben


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