ok so i told trevor the habit story, you know, about Him and all (read back a couple entries if you missed that. or dont b/c its not that big of a deal) any way i told trevor and he may be on crack (not really b/c trevors as straight edge as they come) but he said it was a good sign, definetly "thumbs up" he said. he said that if a guy is willing to goof off in front of you its usually a good thing. personly, i dont see how that works b/c at least for me i "goof-off" so much less when He's around b/c im afraid of looking stupid =/ but who knows. it was encouraging at least.
ok today we did mile time trials and i guess my time was allright...sorta. 6:14 but i beat ruby so w/e (2nd girl after k baby! ok so like no one else ran it but shh!) she led for the first 3 laps and then i passed her at the end b/c she has no kick at all and i hate her lol and i knew that as soon as we finished she was gonna come up and like "congratulate" me but only so she could start feeding me all these bs excuses about why i beat her. and of course she did. god i hate her! oh yeah! and after we did our cool down and everything kate and rachel came up to the track b/c they were walking over to the gas station before holiday package and i gave them big sweaty hugs and rachel was super disgusted, it was fun. oh yeah, max and logan beat adam in the mile...weird! but i guess not really b/c logan is a reallly good sprinter and max is right there too, but its still weird. poor adam. oh! AND will beat adam too!! tyler was giving them all such shit for that, he's like A FRESHMAN! RIGHT ON YOUR ASS LOGAN! A FRESHMAN! blahblahblah so he made max (and ryan ran them too) run 400s w/ him lol logan was just like w/e i dont care. um i actually think thats it for the xc update...oh except logan max and adam convinced me and ryan to run the 10k on saturday! instead of the 5k pookie run lol =( and so now im making jaime do it w/ me too and trevor and k are doing it and tyler if he can but yeah itll be fun i guess...if i dont die...oh and carwash afterwards DOES ANYBODY WANT TO BUY A TICKET?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! SUPPORT DOS PUEBLOS CROSS COUNTRY/TRACK AND FIELD TEAMS! i think we should have a bon fire afterwards on saturday too! or a movie night somewhere or something AHHH I WANT HIM!!!!! oh yeah we got our team pictures and all back today. they're rather horrid but oh well. oh and then something happened w/ Him but i dont really feel like writing about it b/c its really nothing at all and ive noticed that like writing (and or telling like krista) every little "moment" or w/e makes it all seem so...idk, trivial i guess idk like nvm. just i was all sweaty and gross and did not feel very beautiful when it happened so ias just like "meh..w/e" anyway, im sad about this link lol i dont think anyone is actually gonna read it. oh well.
hmm i just ate a bunch of mint chocolate chip ice cream and it was really good and i want more but i probably shouldnt eat more...hmm decisions decicions. i vote no b/c im too lazy to get up and get it. oh well. maybe later.
omg!! ROFLMAO! krista told me the 2 best jokes EVER today!! i have seriously been laughing about them allll day! here they are: what do you call cheese that isnt yours? ......NACHO CHEESE! ahaha AND: what did the fish say when it swam into a wall? .......DAM! wow too funny for words, let me tell you! oh! and then of course the all time greatest one: diarreah is hereditary...IT RUNS IN THE JEANS!! get it? lol like genes? jeans? yeah haha ok that one NEVER gets old!
my sister went home sick today. and i WAS going to run home but um i got lazy lol and got a ride from jaime w/ tyler max and logan we had fun looking at the team pictures and making fun of people lol we're so nice.
ugh! my dog wont stop barking, grrrr! very annoying.
oh i was in the library yesterday and i looked over at the shelf of books and there was one called "Black Holes in Space" and i TOTALLY thought it said "Black HOES in Space" omg i was laughing so hard!
ok this week has been so fabulous, i have not had a SINGLE night of world history hw! how freaking chill is that?! I LOVE IT! its about time we get a break! and i should probably be studying for the big unit 2 test coming up...hmm....
ahh! mrs pearce is making us start the test tomorrow! *sobs!* AND the stupid part of it is she's only giving us PART of the test! so we cant even look at the hard problems and figure out how to do them overnight!! WHAT A RIP! im gonna cry. and fail. and cry some more.
oh ok, so my friend who also likes Him now knows that i like Him too. high drama! not really actually lol not at all. so of course im like "you can have Him i'm over Him" and all that (when im CLEARLY not anywhere CLOSE to being over Him lol thats ok) and shes like "no no He's all yours, go for it" and everything, back and forth and back and forth and its driving me crazy!
i really need to call and make my drivers test appointment. im such a slacker.
....still wanting more ice cream...
hmm probably a lot im forgetting...oh well. im shivering and sneezing like crazy, im gonna go take a hot hot shower! or do hw or eat ice cream or something. who knows!