"whats living if you never pull your pants down and go sliding on the ice ren?"

Nov 26, 2003 08:51

we're going ice blocking! we're going ice blocking! w00t w00t! yay ok so i havent written in quite the time here so um heres a litte re-cap-a-roo of whats happened: friday was super lame school wise b/c of the history and bio tests which i basically failed but w/e. oh and ms carey decided to give us way lots of hw which im rather bitter about but its almost ok b/c she walked across the classroom on her hands for us! finally! yay =D it was awesome! haha shes so cute she was all stretching and stuff while we reviewed. ok then friday night i went down to mt sac w/ krista for cif finals. mom dropped me off at school and her and coach had this long old hushed hushed talk and me and k were like hmm i wonder what theyre talking about so i asked my mom when we got home and she said he asked her what she thought about the awards banquet and so of course she told him that he basically screwed up and what he did was wrong blahblahblah went off about the awards thing told him comparing our jv teams to buena and venturas jv teams was like comparing apples and oranges and i guess he said something like "yeah im begining to realize what i did" or "i need to re-think this" or something YAY! but i mean hes still a jackass and why didnt he take maybe uh 2 fucking seconds to think about this all BEFORE he handed out letters to half the world?ok we're over it. anyway so we went down and listened to music and coach talked about when he used to go clubbing *tries to block the mental pictures* him and wiggins are so totally into eachother! its great (and gross) he like paid for all her food and stuff and they had a "track talk" in his hotel room until like 12:00 or something. oh but im getting ahead of myself here, we stopped and ate at souplantation (of course) and when we got to the hotel we went for a run!!! YAY FOR NIGHT RUNS! =D too bad it was only for 10 minutes. oh well, still very fun. me and k were playing mash and reading our horoscopes from magazines and stuff haha when wiggins came in and was like "oh read mine!" so we did and i dont remember what it said but then we got out cosmo and started reading them and for me it was like "you're gonna be horny as hell all month long" lmao it was like the funniest thing of my life and me and krista were cracking up and wiggins was laughing and then like "watch out for tess!" or something like that it was great. anyway oh! when we were playing mash it was so sad b/c im supposed to marry logan (craig) and have 100 babies w/ him and live in an apartment and honeymoon in mexico and i dont remember what else but it wasnt so happy lol =( oh and krista is gonna marry her "hot man" (some kid who plays water polo who k thinks is like hella hot but we dont know his name) and live in a mansion and some other stuff but we were all sad so we changed them to her marrying trevor and me marrying Him yay! happiness! oh yeah!! and in k's cosmo girl magazine it had these like "trading card" type things w/ pictures of half naked guys on the front and like To: and From: on the back to like give your friends i guess haha so when coach walked wiggins back to our hotel room after their "track talk" (even though our room was 2 doors down, thats ok) we were like "oh coach! we have something for you!" and we gave him one of the cards and at first he was laughing and like "omg..." but then he really looked at it and he was like "hey this guy has really nice abs...this is gonna be my motivation" and he sticks it in his pocket. what a loser. and we gave one to wiggins too and she put it on the table between the beds and was like "he can watch me sleep" ok not important, i know. so we go to bed, wake up, get dressed, get in the van, race and beat the san marcos van over to the college, get in like no one is there, coaches and k buy crap (like t-shirts, patches, etc), we put our stuff down and go walk the switch backs. while we were walking them coach read krista an email that jj sent her (well he sent it to coach to read to k) and it was so awesome! lol i love jj (more jj to come later in this entry (!!!!!), if i ever finish it! good god!) ok well coach has been telling krista to you know just run w/ the pack and then take them at the end all season but thats so not how she runs, she doesnt have that strong off a kick really and when it comes down to it shes a front runner. she likes to set the pace and as jj said "make the other runners hurt" so coach is finally realizing this and yeah jj just basically said like dont hold anything back b/c you're gonna regret it if you do (which is totally true, i hate that!) and even if you feel like you're gonna die, you wont so just push harder and wait till after the race to collapse, its less than 20 minutes of youre life, make it count. and all that good stuff. ok so after walking the switchbacks we waited around in line for the port-a-johns and then went to warm up. for warm ups we did poop out and resovoir and like that little loop thing and then stretched and did accelerations on the track. and then it was race time! yay! krista didnt qualify though =( which is way too bad b/c she had a bad bad day but she is totally fast enough to. she ran an ok race though, her first mile was so much better than last weeks, the first loop she was like 20th or so and by the time they came around the second time she had moved up to top 5 which was where she needed to be and she held that all through the switchbacks but i guess she felt dead going up poop out and thats where she started to drop back =( after that it wasnt so good and yeah it was shitty and i feel really bad for her b/c stuff happened in the middle of the race but thats ok! i was surprised, she didnt seem THAT bummed she was like "oh well, i'll be back in the spring for track" which is true lol. so then we left and we got to run the walls FINALLY!!! YAY YAY YAY what fun! it was like the best ever and then we went to the same strip mall place for...breakfast i guess it was and got bagels from the place trevor and matt always go to where matt got his like fish eggs and bean things (eww), and we were gonna get smoothies but 31 flavors wasnt open (it was like 10 in the morning ha) oh! and there was this like school of karate or w/e some kind of martial art and it was like testing day for the next color belt i guess so alll these kids were there and they were having these "fights" i guess and they had on all this padding w/ big dots where the other people were supposed to be kicking and punching them lmao me and k stood there watching for like 10 minutes it was great! the ride back down was fun, i slept for like an hour of it and otherwise we just talked and listened to music and all that jazzy stuff! we both got dropped off at kristas b/c no one was home to pick me up and then when we were standing on k's porch she thought she lost her wallet so she dumped everything out of both her bags and was like fully flipping out so we're like ok! maybe its in the van so we ran over to school and seriously waited around for 15 minutes for the van!! it takes about 40 seconds to drive from kristas house to school lol so coach and wiggins were up to something....anyway coach finally comes around w/ the van and me and k are looking everywhere for her wallet and it wasnt in the van so shes going crazy now and we go back to her house and im all trying to be positive and optimistic of course lol im like "oh well im sure its in your bag, we didnt really look that carefully..." and all that so we get back to her house and go through everything piece by piece and theres no wallet. so kristas like "will you look in your bag tess?" and im thinking "ok just to make her feel better but why the hell would it be in MY bag?" so i open it up and BANG! theres the wallet! right on top of everything. pretty crazy huh? hmm we hung out at kristas house, her mom and mana came home from the grocery story and we ate waffles lol sharon (kristas mom) gave me a ride home and i think i came home and napped but i dont remember. oh but when i was at k's house trevor called and he was like oh how was the race blahblahblah and i guess he had a dream about her that like she was totall freaking out like crazy before her race and a bunch of people had to calm her down and stuff haha and he said he woke up exactly at 9:12 (her race time) cute, huh? ok i dont think i did much of anything the rest of that weekend, i dont really remember...hmm oh yeah on sunday night around 10:00 me and kate went to borders and saw druyan AHHHH!!! SCARY! and kate was all getting mad at me b/c i didnt want to go say hi to him! i was like uh hello! id rather not loose my virginity to a 30-some year old creep!! after borders i spent the night at her house and we um idk like watched tv or something maybe holes (or maybe that was another night) but speaking of holes, im in love w/ zero!! he's such a bebe!! ahhhh! anyway, the next day we hung around and went over to camino and saw them setting up the big xmas tree and we wanted to ask if we could help but then my dad came to pick us up. oh yeah and kate lost 19 bucks b/c we were walking around w/ no pockets. whoops. um i went home and cleaned my romm and went for a run and did some other stuff...ok this is taking too long lol here are the important/interesting things that have happened since then: kate and i made this totally fabulous picnic dinner for our parents b/c we are angel children and it was a big surprise and we took them to goleta beach and it was wonderfully beautiful and they loved it!!! yay! such a success! and then we had another sleepover and dressed up like whorey sluts and danced around her kitchen to 80s music and stuff. i tried to teach her the worm lmao that was fun to watch! then we watched tv and eventually went to bed. deb took us to kmart this morning lol and then we met the iltis' at kahuna for lunch. oh! ok! we're going out of order here...yesterday i went over to school to do a track workout well coach was like meeting a "client" or something idk, i guess he trains people or something but she didnt show up so he ran w/ me (yay!) and made me do all the stretching drills and everything and then we saw jj running around the track and i was gonna do 800, 400, 800, 400 but coach was like jj what are you doing? and he said 8x100 and coach was like "oh thatd be a good workout for you tess!" so i had to do that instead and he said they all had to be under 15 seconds and within a minute of eachother so like 45 seconds in between to jog 100 meters and go into the next one, it sucked. but jj was sooo nice! and fun to run w/! i love him i wish he were coaching. ok back to kahuna now lol i saw jj there again! =D he was eating lunch w/ his girlfriend (grrr) haha not really he's so cute though! ok and then um i came home and did some of my history hw and went for a run haha and took my pyscho puppy dog w/ me and made pies w/ my mom and my daddy just bought finding nemo and i really wanna do the turkey trot tomorrow but nobody else is doing it and im sad b/c i dont want to do it alone! ahhh! *cries* ah poo! lol i left out a whole big happy part...grrr and im being yelled at to get off the computer, ok here we go really fast: i was talking to Him online and He was like i gtg, im eating lunch w/ my mom (too cute, i know!) and then like half an hour later my dad called and was like i wanna meet you and mo for lunch so we go to the habbit and him and his mom were eating there too!! like they couldnt find parking so they were driving out of the place and He saw us standing in line b/c its all outside there and i was looking over i was thinking "hey that kinda looks like (Him)..." and He looked over and was all waving and pointing and being a big nerd but way cute anyway haha and i was like damn! they're leaving b/c i thought they had already eaten and we're leaving you know but then they like circle around and park and come in and order. and then we had an extra chair at our table and they needed one so He comes up all gentlemen-like and is all "excuse me, is anyone using this chair?" and so they sat like next to us at this other table and Him and his mom were playing cards it was so cute ahhhh! im a freak and then some brittney spears song came on and He looked over at me and we were all dancing like we always do in english lol and then i went up to get our food and He stuck his leg out in the isle to trip me haha what a jerk! not really. ugh! but my dear dear friend who i love but she loves Him is going off about it right now and i want to cry and idk if i should tell her i like Him too or not lol i dont think i will. but grrr i do wish she'd stop talking about it. oh and other news: me and my sister have a car now! party party! its a little volvo and its super chill haha not really but we'll make it the pimpin car lol. =( tia just called and i cant believe what her and uncle tom are going through! i really hope he's ok i really really do. they dont deserve any of this, and tia has done everything and would do anything else for him just let him be ok! my dads going out there next weekend, im glad, he needs to see them, everything will be ok! uncle tom is a healer! *happy happy thoughts!* oh and ive been playing my guitar a lot this week, idk where that inspiration came from but it came and im gonna try and learn the stairway to heaven solo, ive got like the first bit down (like first first, like 10 notes lol) its depressingly pathetic. ok now im really getting the boot, im sure theres much ive left out sorry! ill fill in on a need-to-know basis i suppose. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! *yay yay yay for food! ahah!* and if anyone feels like um getting up and running 4 miles w/ me tomorrow ill be starting at the magnolia center! haha free food and a raffle afterwards! itll be a jolly olly time! go! =D ooohh!!! thats what i forgot to write about! ice blocking! haha when i started this entry i was getting ready to go and now i never even said what happened, oh well, another day. to be continued....(this is my hook to get ya'll comming back to keep reading lol not that anyone cares. itd be more like tune in next entry as i revel His name! only not ahhahaha! pluse i dont anyone cares even about that! oh well!!) peace it easy kids! =D
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