I have some kind of mutant death head cold/chest cold that's basically sidelined me for the last two weeks, but let's not talk about that, because it is disgusting even to me. Have a random thoughts entry instead.
1. The Wrestler was a pretty good film in a straightforward, simply satisfying way. Mickey Rourke was absolutely awesome--you can't even look at the character and see an actor, it's so total--and I liked the sort of quietness about the movie, the way that as much attention and detail is put into Randy dealing with customers at a deli counter as it is into the mechanics of wrestling a guy with a staple gun (eek!) Evan Rachel Wood did kind of seem to be in a different, less naturalistic movie, though.
2. Would anyone find it interesting if I started doing a book log again? That is, once more of my brain is working. I have thoughts about Generation Kill. How many of you have read it?
3. Is there such a thing as a bad cover of Livin' On A Prayer? There must be, but I haven't heard it yet.
4. I've gotten completely out of the habit of watching weekly scripted television as it airs--blame it on Boston sports and the strike--but I did get sucked into watching The Office last night, and while I don't think I'll ever be super emotionally engaged with that show again, I liked it. Mostly the entire part where Dwight and Andy were setting up their duel ("Angela Bernard!" "Will NEVER be her name!") and the part where Jim just kind of walked through the middle of their faceoff. But Angela really was a little too affectless.
5. So this is my crazy month at work and I also have my performance review coming up, and I'm half just too tired to care and half afraid that I will find out everyone has realized how burned out I am and hates me for it. Also, all the competent people I deal with keep moving to other jobs or having babies and going on extended leave. It makes it harder not to come home at the end of the day all full of hate.
6. I know a lot about what I love about baseball (don't get me started, it would be a much longer entry), so I'm trying to work out what I love about hockey. I think it's a combination of velocity plus charming Canadian guys and goal-celebrating hugs plus the
crazy uniforms plus the fact that the game is broken down into the ideal blocks: 20 minutes of intense, relatively nonstop action, with plenty of time inbetween for popcorn breaks. Also the fact that when you commit a penalty, you are actually forced to go sit in time out and think about what you did. And the fact that the Bruins have Tim Thomas, the goalie equivalent of the Incredible Hulk.
7. Must remember always to go to Whole Foods on Thursdays, and buy at least one thing to justify eating an entire meal's worth of samples. Literally: they had samples of fruit salad, cheese, nachos, chips, popcorn, sushi, salmon, chicken parmesan, and two kinds of cake. Of course, they somehow tricked me into spending 40 dollars, so I guess they can take the loss.
8. This entry turned out more boring than I thought it would when I started; I blame the cold and my body's intolerance of good cold medication. Sorry I wasted your time.
9. Why, oh why, doesn't All-Star Superman II come out until February? Do want! But not in hardcover!