Lejana y sola.
Jaca negra, luna grande
y acietunas en mi alforja.
Aunque sepa los caminos
yo nunca llegare a Cordoba
Por el llano, por el viento,
jaca negra, luna roja.
La muerte me esta mirando
desde las torres a Cordoba
Ay que camino tan largo!
Ay que mi jaca valerosa!
Ay que la muerte me espera
antes de llegar a Cordoba
lejana y sola.
-Lorca "Cancion de Jinete"
I have to memorize that for Friday in spanish class.. bad bad bad... good news is, I already have it memorized, seeing as that was from memory.
Other good news: the english term/research paper rough draft that is due friday, as well, has been reduced to a minimum of 8 pages, from 10-12. Greatest news, I have 5 and a half pages done!!
For More Up-to-date Color Palettes by me, check out my profile on
colourlovers.comthe first image is also a link to that particular palette, however none after it are.