May 12, 2006 13:14
I am trying to smile but my mouth still hurts. I made it to another Friday. Hard to believe that it was just last Friday I was hurling! I made it through my periodontal visit and through the upper root and upscale. I am still sore, still swishing with salt water, peroxide and water, biotene, and tooth tonic. I am on antibiotics - and have been told to use Xylitol instead of refined white sugar. I honestly think that my three cranial surgeries for my cholesteatoma have something to do with my gum condition because the eustachian tube connects the two - the bacteria that formed in the cholesteatoma is similar to the harmful bacteria that was in my gums.. Xylitol apparently kills or eats that bad bacteria that is in ear infections, strep throat, and all of those things that I have fought with through my life. The same bacteria that deteriorated my hearing bones. So I have learned a lot.. it seems that everyone's bodies make a certain percentage of Xylitol to combat the yucky stuff but I think some people may not produce enough. It is actually a wood sugar. It is good for diabetics - which I have been prone to be borderline a lot - so hopefully by the Grace of God things will improve. I go in three weeks for the lowers. Put me back together again! Been busy this week with month end/close and dr.appts and the wee ones.. wowsers - no knitting, yet I do make jewelry so I have been trying to squeeze in repairs for people. Also, it is recital time so if I can help people sew and adjust costumes, I have been doing that too. Of course this weekend is Mother's Day - you gotta love 'em. We all love our mothers in very many ways, we thank God for them - they do the best that they can. (Through all of the nagging, yada yada yada... JK) Honestly, we understand you want what is best.
So, still haven't had the time to figure Flickr! SO no pics yet. Man. Everyone have a good one.