Apr 19, 2006 13:38
It is Wednesday, as Mik says church day. Yes. The middle of the week. Thank you.. But not Friday yet. Have not done any knitting since Sunday. SK had a follow-up for acid reflux Monday, poor fellow, still on Zantac.. Well today I got to talk to someone new introduced to me by my cuz Stace. His name is David. He knits Arans. Very very cool. I could never knit like that. The Sweaterman. Me hubby got burnt this past weekend mowing the lawn - SUNSCREEN is important. My other poor fellow.. Have you ever just felt like not working but you have to? Sometimes I feel that way, I don't know why. I'd rather be spending times with the wee ones, knitting, playing my tin whistle, making something or helping someone else.. I must be getting old because I have started listening to the easy listening station.. Say you, say me - say it together... I'm still standin'! - Sweet dreams are made of these... - Su su sudio.. - Good Vibrations - Blue Savannah - and I found this Dance CD with Taylor Dane and La Bouche... what is going on here??? I remember sitting in the back seat of my parents Mazda or Volvo thinking ughh, I have to listen to this old stuff - and here I am doing the same thing!!! Of course the music on the radio today is very mature for wee ones. Mik was singing something about humps, junk in the trunk - whatever and I was chin to the floor - GOOD GRIEF!! I remember when Madonna was thought to be too mature, but nowadays it is worse than the Material Girl. Oh, and is the Farrah Fawcett look coming back - erghhh... All of these changes... strange.. So be it. Well, I guess that is the blubbery for today.