The 50th Song [Video/Text]

Nov 05, 2011 22:09

[Rapunzel is sitting on the edge of her bed, hair wrapped around her like a blanket, as she knits what appears to be a very tiny scarf. Pascal, looking a bit blue and slightly irritated, is sitting on her shoulder.

Scene not making any sense? Don't worry! Rapunzel has been writing about her whole day, in excessive detail, for everybody to read!]

She woke up this morning and noted how cold it was. It never got this cold in the tower, and whenever it started to, she or Mother would make sure there was a nice fire and warm food. But she can't exactly go and set a fire in the apartment, now can she? That would only end badly, she thought to herself.

Having taken a look in her closet, she noticed that she didn't have very many coats or sweaters. She had a few, to be sure, and she made sure to put one of those on, along with a pair of socks. She's still getting used to the idea of wearing socks and shoes. Living in a tower for years, you never had to wear these things on your feet, and despite being in the City for a while now, she'd still never really gotten used to this whole 'footware' thing.

While she was a bit warmer and bundled up, though, she saw poor Pascal, shivering and looking grumpy and blue! Oh no!

So, she decided that she would make him some winter clothes as well. Starting with a nice scarf. He had a little scarf at home in the tower, but it had been summer when they left, so it was still there...and he could use a temporary replacement while they were here!

And so, she sat down on the bed, placing Pascal on her shoulder where he could observe her work, and started to knit. Her hair, as it often did, got in the way a she decided to use it as a blanket. She did this when she was in the tower, why not here?

It's been a few hours now, and she's really making progress...though the scarf is probably a bit longer than she intended it to be...

narrating my life, winter is coming, knitting, storytime, cold, curse: affected, bundled up, pascal chat, working rapunzel, woman of many talents, curse, pascal

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