(no subject)

Feb 24, 2006 22:22

So I'm sitting in my room with Patrick and we're watching a series of Kung-fu movies. He's working on his wire project for 3D Design and I'm blogging. I had a different LJ, but decided to get another one because well, I'll actually blog on this one.

Anyway, I've been struggling with this whole "changing major" thing. I haven't really decided what I want to do with my life yet. I know what my interests are, but for some reason I'm having a very difficult time. History, Pre-Med, English Education, or Psychology. What a mind bloggler.

I miss my boyfriend. Yes, that's right...I do. He left earlier today to go to a Bucks game, and I miss him. Is that pathetic? I don't think so. I think it feels so good to be in love.

My fish poops constantly. I've been watching them in their tank and I don't know if she has a pooping problem, or if she just eats a lot. Maybe I shouldn't concern myself with my fish's bowel movements.

So I'm going to a show tomorrow in Milwaukee to see For Tomorrow We Die, January Embers, MarciaMarciaMarcia and a few other bands so that should be cool. Local shows are always fun. The ability to connect with people through music always makes me extremely happy. Plus, it's good to get out of Whitewater once in awhile. Milwaukee is where I belong.

Jeff and I went to breakfast this morning and he had to settle me down because I was mildly freaking out about the concept of him touring. It's one of those weird feelings of helplessness and not exactly wanting my boyfriend to be hit on by random girls. I have this weird girl complex. I generally do not trust them. Every good girlfriend I've had has somehow turned and shoved a knife in my back at the most opportune moment. Perhaps that is why I don't trust them around the man I love. Go figure.

Jackie Chan rules.

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