Jan 02, 2008 06:33
Ahh fuck. Back to school from winter break.
No jokes anymore. I have to work my ass off
to graduate. fuck. fuck. fuck. i hate high school.
i have no other choice but the graduate, in my
mind anyways.
You mean the world to me. I can't wait to be able to go to sleep and then wake up when you come into bed after working all day. I can't wait to cook you dinner and bring you lunch. I can't wait to live with you darling. I'm seriously excited about doing your laundry and cleaning our apartment. Knowing that it is OURS and not anyone else's will make me happy for months. I love you so much.
You are the most beautiful person I've met and you are perfect for me. I know this. Just something in my heart tells me. I can't say I love you enough baby. You make me happier than ever and I know sometimes I make it hard to see, but that's just because I'm crazy. Don't give up on me because I really will always love you. I would never intentionaly do anything to jepordize our relationship, so there is NO need to even think about me cheating on you, like others like to think I would. I am yours and your are mine.
You are the love of my life. If I could, I would hold you in my arms forever. <333