Apr 08, 2005 17:25
Fuck ya man shit starting to take off. (except my car which broke down agian) Damn shit ya. Jammed today, It was fucking awesome. Maybe go to this place with Matt Hernandez and Juan... Maybe, Some one left town and now I aint got no plans for Saturday. Right now I am chillin waiting for Mom to get to the house cause Daniel's mom is a fun Nazi and wont let him come over to my house unless there is an adult. Which is gay its not like ima Rape his ass or something. But Chillin...Chillin. The nice stack of blocks I had made in life Fell last year and I didnt bitch I just started Putting them back up, Rebuild and shit and now iam almost done. That means shits starting to Go good agian if only Gemoetry delt in metaphoric matters then that would be sweet. But as something is going good for you something is going Horrible wrong for someone else and vis a Versa. Just go with the flow but know you can change it. And everone in life will contradict them selves so dont be afriad to do so, Its going to happen whether you want it to or not. So just do it. Yep starting to look good.