What's been going on as of late

Apr 18, 2006 21:52

Okay, so I've finally decided to take some out of my hectic life and write a proper LJ entry. If you want to read through it all, that would be great, if not, that's okay too. I have been too distracted to read live journal recently, but I'll try catching up.
My mother has been freaking out on me as of late but I think I'll be okay.


Friday was the Sophomore afterschool bonding day. During ASB when we were discussing what to do for it, it was, as usual, quite disorganized and I was sure we were just going to all call it off, but somehow we decided to eat at Bucca di Beppo (thank you Autumne) and all showed up there more or less at the appropriate time. We got to eat in the kitchen, which was a pretty nice change of scenery. The food was good and even though Jeff was the one insisting it was an officers only thing he ended up inviting Ryan Key and Tommy Duncan. "Ryan Key can come because he's going to be a future officer and Tommy came because.. well... he's Tommy." Afterward, Autumne and I decided to hit the sales rack at Charlotte Russe where we ended up trying on different things and taking awesome photos for an hour or two. Autumne had a lot of fun in the bathroom with the paper dispenser.
After C.R. we passed by some strange drunk dude and critiqued dresses. I say the blue dress looked better, the pink dress was just too much, hahah.

Saturday started off with me getting an extra hour of sleep due to no bible study. I then went to piano where I am running circles around the same song, I'm so sad! I have to practice more! Ahhh!!!!! Okay, and then after that I went home, checked Gaia, drew another of my 19238 commission pictures, and then headed off to Richie's house. Richie's house was the same as usual with the boys crowded around the TV and computer playing games so I went into a room and tried doing WHAP homework. I finished all of two questions. English was more successful. I then went into a different room because I had been staring at my laptop screen for hours and my eyes were melting off my face. There I picked up some colored pencils and drew my Gaia avatar. Some kid's mother saw the picture, loved it, and took it. Okay... wait, pay me! Hahah, I'm not that stingy.
I went home and finished my commission picture, Saturday was basically a waste.

Sunday was easter! I didn't even realize this until easter eggs started floating around on the Gaia webpage. I made my brother collect eggs for me, hahaha. Then my mother's plans of AP cramming began to unfold. I finished all of my WHAP hwk that day, all of it that's due anyway. The rest of the day was spent pondering what I should draw for Luciole's contest and what on earth I had gotten myself into signing up for World Bank in DMUNC. Well, it will definitely be a learning experience.

Monday, my mother stressed out about my AP test all morning, then dragged me to the library at 4, gave me my AP World History Barrons study book, and told me to do it - so I did. We stayed there until the library officially closed at 7. I finished the section on World War I, which was actually quite interesting, but I won't get into details about that. The rest of the night was spent drawing the contest picture for luciole, until I gave up on it and went to bed.

Tuesday, today, my mother woke me up, dragged me to Starbucks, and made me do AP work. I'm currently at the Rape of Nanjing and thoroughly enjoying the new knowledge I am amassing. At 11 I was dropped off at Leland and packed into Nitt's car along with Autumne, Brian, Catelina, and of course Nitt. The ride there was interesting with the random "tenderize my meat" lyrics that Brian thoroughly enjoyed. I finally learned what a douche-bag was, before my 16th birthday too, haha! We also got utterly and completely lost looking for Speckeles street. But after half an hour of wandering around, the street magically appeared before us where it did not exist before and we made our way down to the beach. The water was freezing and there weren't that many shells, but I did learn many things from the experience. Trying to cook hotdogs with a dying fire and a wooden skewer is not a good idea, key clubbers make big messes, and crotch ball is an interesting, but brutal game. Oh, and the new LTG, James, makes interesting inventions that never work.
We buried Brian under a log and gave him breasts, it was highly amusing. Especially since it looked like we were molesting him while shaping his nipples. By the end of the day I think we were all quite tired and ready to go home. Most people left without helping to clean up and I went for a final dip in the ocean. It was so nice, if I closed my eyes I could feel that this was what it meant to be alive, to experience things like this. The setting sun added a nice touch to the whole scene. Being cramped in the back of Nitt's car with four people on our way back brought me back to reality, hahaha, in a good way! By that time my mother was not pleased and I assured her that we would be coming back home soon. We dropped off the kid (Andrew?), Autumne, Catelina, and Brian. As we left Brian's house I decided to fulfill the one wish I had in life - I opened up the sun roof, Nitt opened up the glass window to it, and I stuck my upper body out the top and flung out my arms as he drove. "Wheee!"
"I can now die in peace" I concluded upon retracting myself back into the car. I have got to do that again some time, hahah.

Now I just have to remember to ask Alex or Alex to borrow their camera. Upon arriving back home I gave Alex and Fiona the two shells that I managed to find at the beach, I think they liked it.
Tomorrow will be another Key Club event filled/ AP prep day. Thursday will be yet another AP prep day followed by Sushi eating followed by dress shopping. Lookin' forward to it! Friday through Sunday is convention, yaay! Go D-12 East!

"Don't worry, by your year, you'll know all the people" Hopefully, it'll be much more fun that way.

Yeaaahh~! And I'm going to remain optimistic thoughout all of HighSchool! Right! Right? Right!
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