Jun 09, 2009 10:11
Well its been awhile since I've really been on here.. lots going on in my little world.
My mom aobut almost 2 weeks ago had a heart attack.. it wasn't very bad THANK GAIA!.. but it was still bad enough, the only thing that saved her is that she got to the hospital and they pumped her full of meds to stop the atttack from getting bad.. The doc told my dad that if she had waited to go to the hospital, it would ahve killed her.. needless to say I am VERY happy that she was taken to the hospital.
She went in on a friday night, and then that next thursday was sent home.. the hospital needed the bed!.. she was in CCU (critical care unit) and they sent her hom!..*shakes head*. ohh she is still an out patient and she is on like 7 different pills, for blood thinning and cholesterol and her heart and some other things .. oh thyroid to I think and Nitro spray.. But I saw her yesterday and she looks pale but she don't look that bad at all, sware I never hugg her harder when I first saw her yesterday.
She has to go in on the 26th for a Cardiac Catherization.. not to sure what that is, except, daddy said that it consisted of a cathater put into a vein and dye put into her heart yo help remove any blockages if she has any.. and if they find they need to, they will put stents in.. I'm still not sure what those are either and frankly I am to scared to look it up.. I figure i will be there when everything is done and then I can handle whatever happends.. I don't really wanna know what the risks are upfront, that scares me more and call me chicken.. but thats the way it is *BAWK BAWK*
I ended up pretty sick for awhile.. my leg got scratched a couple weeks ago, and it ended up with an infection a Staph infection.. People Let me tell you, if you get scratched by human.. HUMAN finger or toe nails.. please clean right away with peroxide and make sure to put some ointment on it or something.. not saying thats gonna help, it may still get infected like mine did.. but know that HUMAN finger and toe nails are the WORST for carrying bacteria..
I am on two different kinds of medication, and a prescription antibiotic. Its very sore still, but atleast the redness that was spreading to most of my leg is GONE and I can walk without hurting now.. . hopefully another few days and the meds will be gone and my leg will be healed!.
My daughter, she is not doing gret either, her psorisis has spread and is on her face now, and in her hair, most of her scalp is covered.. I yelled at my doc the other day, told him that he needed to give her the beclomethasone cream again, it took everything away.. he needed to stop changing her creams. So after like an hour he finally did give in and give her the stuff WE KNOW that works.. Been using it for almost a week.. all the stuff on her neck and cheeks is almost gone and her head, I boght this bradnew psorisis shampoo thats out from the pharmacy for her and it seems to be working.. Taylor is happy and thats all that matters, until the next time that is..
Raining here today, baby is pissy becasue ts also cold and I won't take him out in this weather, it will gt him absolutly sick..hell just having a window open i n this weather will get him seriously sick and I've seriously had enough fo hospitals to last me the rest of my life!..lol
well i think that is about it from here.. not mjuch going on in ym life at the moment..