Dec 27, 2006 14:39
Well.. i am sorry if i am depressing anyone with my bad sense of stick-to-it-iveness.. but I am trying once again to get my stuff together and do this up right.
My Mom came through in a big way for me this Xmas. I got a Points slider and an AP slider. I got the big points bible, and the dining out guide. I got a food scale, and a rice cooker/steamer. And i got 5 new work out videos. Some cardio, some pilates.
What do I have left? I want to get an agenda so i can track and plan wherever i am.
My boyfriend is going on nights soon, so it will just be me and my dog in the evenings. This will make it much easier to avoid eating at night, and eating bad foods.
My new goals?
I want to lose 6-10 lbs per month, every month. My end goal is to be 150-145 lbs. My monthly goals would allow that to happen sometime this summer. At minimum, I should be able to lose atleast 30 lbs before my best friend's wedding. If i really push, I could be pretty much at my goal by then.
I am seriously considering going on the Core plan this time. Core foods are nutritious, and i think that teaching myself to eat mainly wholesome foods is the key to sticking with it.