And why perfect spelling and grammar are not the be-all end-all indicators of intellectual prowess.
I find myself increasingly frustrated with the ranks at
sorting_elite for a number of reasons. The one that stands out the most at the moment, however, is the tendency of the members to vote someone "SQUIB" (meaning that they are voting to deny the individual membership to the community) on the basis of a few misplaced commas and a couple of typos. Along with this vote, there is usually an accompanying opinion that the applicant is of sub-par intelligence for these reasons.
As someone with an interest in Education and Learning Disabilities, as well as a certified teacher of English as a Foreign Language, such opinions come across as particularly ignorant and insensitive to me.
For many individuals punctuation and spelling are particularly tricky subjects--and not for lack of effort. For example: from my language study, I know that Czech does not use commas in the same instances that English does. Also, many people would see the spelling "Gryffondor" and think that a typo has been made--but
a quick click shows that it's actually the French version of the house. Does having greater familiarity with the French texts indicate an inferior intellect? I'd have to say that I disagree.
As far as Learning Disabilities go, I am hardly an expert. What I will say is that I have had a number of dyslexic friends--brilliant individuals who couldn't spell. There is a LOT more to be said in this area, but for now it's going to be left unsaid.
Really, what this is, is the preliminary outlining of an essay I'm thinking about writing. Sure, it's only a sorting community, but when I see so many individuals gathered in one location, passing ill-informed judgment, I feel compelled to try to educate them a little bit. So, with the assistance of
fireball_says, who is a Special Education major, I am hoping to put together a nice little essay on such issues.
Additional input, of course, is appreciated.