(no subject)

May 17, 2018 22:42

So I just got back from Deadpool 2, and I have Thoughts. Okay, I actually really liked it. I thought I might not due to the face ... drum roll, and by that, I mean, I hate you 20th Century Fox ... Shatterstar dies five minutes after he's introduced. But thanks to years of sitting through various X-Men movies that have hurt my feelings as a comic fan, I realistically set my goals at 1) would like him to have ridiculous long hair and 2) would like him to have two lines min. I didn't want him to be pureed, but I guess I need to be specific to the X-Men movie gods about these sorts of things.

Things that delighted me:
  • Black Tom Cassidy!! One of my favourite villains.
  • Domino was a revelation. I LOVED her so much.
  • The fight-on-the-moving-truck-caravan was very clearly filmed in Toronto, which was lovely.
  • The opening James Bond credits. With the Celine Dion song. My god. Perfect.
  • Post-credits was the stuff of genius.
  • Deadpool's chemistry with both Colossus (boooo) and Cable (yaaaay).
  • The scene with the legs. If you've seen it, you know the one. I laughed very hard.
  • The multiple jokes about how bad Angel is in the X-Men movies. Pigeon wings. FUCK YES.
  • The music choices were amazing.
  • Shatterstar was good enough. Not great, but Lewis Tan did what he could with basically nothing.
  • Josh Brolin was made to play Cable.
  • HOPE.
  • RUSTY.

Things I did not like:
  • WTF SHATTERSTAR. Dear movie gods: just ONCE treat a character I like well. I mean, maybe it's my fault for picking bad favourites, BUT SERIOUSLY NOW. It's getting personal.
  • The Juggernaut was just ... awful. Terrible CGI. Terrible voice acting.
  • Ness. :(
  • Um ... not much else to be honest. I liked the movie a lot, even though, you know, Star RIP. I just can't get over Pigeon Wings. God, can someone PLEASE bring me on for some Angel history lessons. I can prove, with charts and a PowerPoint, why he is the most heroic of X-Men. And loves those fucking wings more than anything. I will rant about this someday at length.

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movies: 2018

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