Feb 04, 2011 01:22
Thanks to Last.fm, which led me to a musically compatible stranger's profile, which led me to said stranger's post about a project he'd recently started in which he listened to his entire collection of music alphabetically by artist, the most persistent thought I've had in the past two weeks is how badly I want to devour my musical stash in an alphabetical fashion. It would take foreeeeeveeeer and any new albums would ruin everything, but it'd be a hell of a chance to rediscover stuff I love but haven't listened to in ages.
And I locked myself out of my (running) car for an hour last week, only to have my faith in humanity partially restored for a change. I'm not one to assume that the universe rearranges itself just to give me signs, but I do think I benefit from my own absent-mindedness more than I realize.
I feel like not driving with the air conditioning on AT ALL this past summer (partly because I'm sick like that, mostly because I was genuinely afraid that having the AC on while Silver Fox was doing, like.... anything would result in some kind of vehicular catastrophe) gives me bonus winter-complaining rights. I don't indiscriminately bitch about extreme temperatures; I save all my bellyaching for any day below 40 degrees, extra when the snow is this relentless (but I still want to move to Vermont). I can't wait -- CANNOT. WAIT. -- for the green to come back. Groundhog-Predicted Early Spring, you are welcome to arrive at any time now.
Yep, that's pretty much all I've got. I mean, unless I'm wrong in assuming that I'm the only person in the world who's amped that I finally have an office again.