Nov 21, 2003 03:16
It's 3:16 in the morning. Shit I can't sleep. I haven't eaten a real meal in almost 2 weeks......that scares me. I am so ready for this month to be over...wait this year. Oh but wait that means I start school. Yuck. I really just don't like i'm thinking maybe I really don't want to go. But I know I have to. It's like that one Good Charlotte song "the Anthem"..the part you know "go to college a university, get a real job that's what they said to me, but I could never be the way they want" Ha I was painting my bathroom and listening to that song and my mom was in the next room so I turned it up really loud so she could hear it..but she didn't say anything. anyhoo. I really have nothing to say. Nothing that would interest any of you anyway. I feel like I need to say something know profound...but nothing comes to mind. I was reading Alison's journal entry a while ago and I feel so bad for her. I guess not bad for just sorry that she has to put up with that shit. Luckily I managed to stay away from most of it. Oh there were the accusations and what not but I really just don't give a fuck. Because you know i'm a bad influence. What does the school say? They act in loco parentis and try to promote excellence and character...a few of the teachers could benefit from this. Some of the people that I have seen come and go from Orme have had no character, no excellence (as far as adults wise mind you), and some of the students that have come there with excellence and character have been sadly corrupted. Me being one of them...I used to be what you called a goody two shoes but one year at orme will fix you right's like sending your kids to be molded in to the corrupted minds that most of our society's leaders are today. I wonder how many politicians went and graduated from Orme? I know nothing of Orme politics and frankly I don't care to....but some of the faculty members would do good by learning some excellence and character....TO TEACH YOU MUST FIRST LEARN.
that is all I have to say. Still not tired. but oh well maybe i'll go watch some tv or something.
Much love to you all and stay strong you have one day till break and then you have 10 days away from what could be a really nice place to grow and learn.
Katie my dear when do you come back for break? Soon I hope eh? Is mclean still coming? We should all hang out..i'll find a date some where.
Shake once your fine, shake it twice your okay...shake it three times your playing with yourself again