SALT LAKE CITY - A man who pleaded guilty to putting his wife's puppy in a 200-degree oven, crippling it, was sentenced Monday to six months in jail.
Third District Judge William Barrett ordered Marc Christopher Vincent, 36, to serve six months in jail without the chance of early release. He must also pay a $500 fine and $986 in veterinary bills for the dog.
Vincent, 36, pleaded guilty Sept. 18 to one count of misdemeanor aggravated animal cruelty for putting the dog in an oven for five minutes on May 25 during a fight with his wife, Rhonda, who has since filed for divorce. The black Chihuahua mix named Henry suffered permanent damage to its front paws and now limps.
As part of the plea agreement, a second charge of animal cruelty was dropped. Prosecutors had accused Vincent of turning a leaf blower on the dog in a separate incident, damaging the dog's eye so badly it had to be removed.
Vincent was ordered to serve two years' probation after his jail sentence, seek anger management therapy, have no contact with his wife or any animals, and get a mental health evaluation.
Salt Lake County prosecutor Elizabeth Henry said Utah is one of nine states that has only misdemeanor punishment for animal cruelty.
what a fucking jackass! the man needs to be beaten within an inch of his life with a rubber hose and poor little henry can nibble on his extremities, hopefully causing infection and gangrene ultimately. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!?! Also, does anyone find it a bit jarring that Saddam Hussein is being HUNG?... as in gibbets and crows and yadda yadda yadda. isn't that either unethical or inhumane? I realize the person in question hasn't had very many scruples about such habits, but regardless, this is 2006 and if they wanted to hurt him, why can't they just send him to texas for a barbeque or something? The judge apparently doesn't have a very good knowledge of nietzsche: "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby becomes a monster." These sage words coming from someone who lived a century ago. REALLY. HANGING? I was listening to an Erie (PA) radio station on the way home and the DJ asked a caller about it, and was saying "Yo, Saddam's gonna get HUNGGG" like it was a rapper he was talking about bling or something (even though he was clearly caucasian) and not someone guilty of crimes against humanity. Handbaskets and hell, this is what this all amounts to, and I find it just a little overwhelming.