True Colors Survey (I'm definitely obsessed with these things)

Jul 26, 2008 23:00

My True Colors

Random Questions 2 Reveal Your True Colors -- Be Honest!!
What is your REAL name?: Nicole
What is your REAL age?: 18
Any kids?: no
Live alone?: no
.:Q & A:.
Are you a lover or a fighter?: both, depending on the situation
What is your favorite genre of music?: pop rock
Would you lie to protect someones feelings?: sometimes
Do you prefer to love or be loved?: love
Who do you miss right now?: So many people
What is the greatest gift someone can give you?: truly understanding me, but it hasn't happened yet
Are you a good friend?: Probably not.
Are you happy with yourself mentally?: Yeah, I'm happy most of the time
What would you change physically about yourself?: Probably my thighs... they're fat
Are you gullable?: Not really
Who is your bestest friend?: My dogs :D
If you saw a person trip and fall, what is your first reaction?: laugh, unfortunately, unless it's an old person or a little kid, in which case I'd feel bad
Does size really matter?: yes
Are you seeing anybody right now?: no
Would you pick up a hitch-hiker?: probably not
When you see a homeless guy begging for money, do you give it to him?: no
Do you consider yourself a good person?: I try to be
What is your flaw?: On the inside, I'm a pretty hateful person
Have you ever cheated on your mate?: Unfortunately, yes, and to this day I feel horrid about it, although I was really young and didn't really know better
Do you put others needs before your own?: No
What is the one thing that everbody says you are?: I don't know... wild, I suppose...
Describe your personality with 1 word?: passionate
What is your idea of a perfect date?: Something that doesn't cost a lot of money, if any, and is quiet and personal - maybe taking a walk or going to the pool or beach at nighttime or seeing a movie even
Do you have a criminal record?: No
Ever been fired from a job?: No
Would you help a friend fight even though she started it?: No
Do you hold your friends hair when she's throwing up?: I've never been in that situation, but I probably wouldn't.
How would you tell someone that they had bad breathe?: I probably wouldn't, unless I had to be right next to their mouth
Would you bail your friend out of jail?: If I trusted them to pay me back, yes.
Are best friends really forever?: No
Describe the perfect evening at home?: Relaxing, reading a book or maybe watching a movie, ALONE
Do you pick a fight on purpose just to have makeup sex?: I've never had makeup sex before
If you could change the world, what would you do first?: Stop the civil wars in Africa and the Middle East
Is your artistic viewpoint modern, comtemporary, or traditional?: Probably contemporary? But there are times when I lean towards traditional, I guess
Can you swim?: I LOVE to swim
Do you like bugs?: NO.
Do you stop and smell the flowers?: I like to when I get the chance
Do you pray?: Yes, not as often as I should, though
Do you knowingly break the law?: I have shoplifted before... :(
Ever committed a felony?: I don't think so...
Do you like thunderstorms?: YES, as long as there's no chance of a tornado
Do you curse?: Yes
What is your favorite past time?: Reading, Watching movies, playing video games, swimming
If you could be with anyone in the world, who would you choose?: ANYONE.... oh gosh... Alan Rickman?? <3 Well, I suppose I'd rather have someone closer to my age, so maybe Gerard Butler :D (not a lot closer hahah)
If you are in an altercation, do you throw the first punch?: Maybe the first punch, but I'll never punch someone without being pushed or threatened first
When you are sad, do you cry or hold it in?: cry, I love to cry, it makes me feel so much better afterwards
If your house is on fire, whats the first thing you'll grab?: I had a dream about this! My dogs
Are you materialistic?: Not really
Ever been called a gold-digger?: No
Are you a giver or a taker?: I'd love to be a giver, but I have so little to give that I'm usually more of a taker
Have you ever made fun of someone?: Yes
Is it possible to leave the person you love for your own well-being?: I guess so...
Can you love 2 people at the same time?: Yes
Is making love and sex 2 different things?: Yes
Do you agree with this saying..: ??? what saying?
Are you a homophobic?: No, a lot of my friends are gay
Do your friends come to you for advice?: Sometimes
If I were to open the trunk of your car, what would I find?: Junk
Would you let your mom see the current pics on your cell phone?: Yes
If you saw stranger getting beat up, would you help?: I'd definitely call the cops or something and run for help, but I don't think I'd get involved
.: Your Quote:.: Oh, I dunno....

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