.10. [written] letter to santa

Dec 22, 2010 01:01

Why does everyone hate the mistletoe so much? I think it's kind of cool.

I used to always prefer Halloween, but Christmas isn't so bad here. I like it.

[Private to Santa]
Dear Santa,

Get Gretchen something really nice, even if she doesn't know me or whatever. Like a diamond necklace. Tell her it's from a superhero.

Give Warren a freshwater shark or something he can have in his room. Or a bunch of really good chum so he can see the shark be more active for awhile. Don't make it a person, though.. I don't think his warden would like that.

John's wife should get some kind of reminder of him. Maybe a locket or something? I don't really know what girls like.

I guess that's all.. Could I get a copy of The Philosophy of Time Travel? I don't think the other one I had is here still and I really want my warden to see it.

Oh, and get that Capa guy a page of notes that's relevant to whatever he's studying. I know Grandma Death's writing helped me, so I can only imagine stuff like that would help him too. You should get him a copy of Philosophy of Time Travel too. Then we could talk about all the time travel stuff and he would understand.

Paddy should get some recipes for some stuff my mom used to make. It would be really cool if he could make some of that stuff. Only the good ones, though, okay?

Thanks a lot, Santa.

john marston is a real [cow]boy, abigail marston is.. something else, paddy makes a mean grilled cheese, shark boy is my bff, capa gets me, science nerds unite

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