.02. zombies

Jun 22, 2010 02:25

[Backdated to end of port.Well. I don't know what the fuck that was, but I'd be okay with never doing it again, you know? I guess it was kind of fun toward the end there, though, when we got the weapons. It was definitely better than shooting cans off a rock. I'm really glad we survived too. I never really thought we wouldn't, but I heard some of ( Read more... )

p: zombies, only thing worse than port is middlesex, darker side of donnie darko

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SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE tangentdarko June 22 2010, 08:29:25 UTC
[Donnie covers his eyes at the bright light as he begins to understand his surroundings again. He was in port and now he's on the Barge again. Naked and without his axe, by the looks of it. He wastes no time in casting his eyes over Buffy and Irene, smiling a little.]

"Hey. You know, we should really celebrate being alive. I mean, what if we had died and never really gotten to know each other?"


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE always_thewoman June 22 2010, 08:42:09 UTC
[Irene had found herself lying sprawled on her stomach. Her weapons were gone, as were, unfortunately, her grime-smeared clothes. At Donnie's comment, she looked over. Though rather exhausted, she still managed a tart retort.]

If we were dead, I doubt we'd care much.

[She tried to pull herself up, and hissed softly. She ached all over. Perhaps it was best to stay on the floor for a moment. After her experiences in port, modesty still mattered, but it was a distant concern.]


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE tangentdarko June 22 2010, 09:04:10 UTC
[Donnie watched as Irene tried to stand, only a little embarrassed by his own nudity as he sat beside the couch in some ambiguous common room. He grabbed a pillow from off the couch for his lap, to hide the natural reaction to such a situation, but he was still smiling and watching.]

"Well, I'm getting the feeling that you never really die here, so it doesn't really mean the same thing as it would before you came. Come on.. I mean, we're already naked. Why not have a little fun? That's all I'm asking."


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE always_thewoman June 22 2010, 09:28:04 UTC
[Irene wanted to laugh at the teenager, but her sense of decorum kept her in check. She stifled the chuckle, but only just barely. As he moved to cover himself, her eyes glanced briefly down his body. She readjusted her eyes swiftly. Although she'd normally verbally shred to bits anyone who spoke to her that way, they had lived through a zombie attack together, and she had a small measure of respect for him, so she simply raised her eyebrows and smirked]

Give it five years, junior, then maybe we can talk.

[It was as close to charitable as he would ever get from her. She couldn't resist adding,]

Besides, I rather think my saving your skin a half-dozen times was present enough.


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE tangentdarko June 23 2010, 18:43:49 UTC
[Donnie offered her a bit of a creepy and almost sadistic smile as she covered herself in preparation to leave and told him to try again in five years. At the latter remark, he laughed a little; a slightly crazed laugh rather than with genuine humor.]

"I saved you once too." [That's how he remembers it, anyway. She was probably just fine.]


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE always_thewoman June 26 2010, 01:36:34 UTC
[She'd stood and swept a throw from the nearby couch around herself with studied indifference, sensing that any blushing, uncomfortable modesty would only amuse Donnie; it wasn't her style in any case.

She looked at him for a moment, sizing him up, head tilted ever so slightly to the side.]

That's debatable.

[Then she moved towards him, letting out a theatrical sigh, then with a gentle hand on the crown of his head, tipped his head back and kissed his forehead lightly. She released him, and couldn't resist giving him a kick in the shins, smirking. She moved to leave.]

Now, I'm going for a shower. You'd best clean up, too. You smell like roadkill.


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE tangentdarko June 26 2010, 02:29:34 UTC
[Donnie continued to watch her body, at least the curves and the exposed skin if not the actual nude form of a moment before. He could still imagine. When she walked up to him and touched his head, he was half worried she was going to slap him. He didn't really move much as she did her thing, just offering her a wide smile. Donnie had more of a chance with Irene than she was letting on and he knew it.]

"Walk me to the showers?" [He asked with a little bit of a wicked grin, standing but still holding the pillow in front of him. Getting clothes first seemed more practical, but he knew she would reject his offer anyway.]


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE always_thewoman June 26 2010, 10:13:09 UTC
[She glanced at him over her shoulder, continuing to move out the door on bare feet. The look she tossed him was exasperated.]

No. [She raised an eyebrow and added] Don't make me regret not letting you die.


SPAM FOR TEAM JAKE tangentdarko July 2 2010, 05:24:28 UTC
[Donnie just offered a smile in return, watching until she was gone before he made his way toward his own room to find clothes before his shower.]


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