Here's another one I yoinked from Kurt's myspace. Some of these questions are pathetically reminescent of the concept known as 'meme-fishing', and it tends to be repetitive, but some are interesting enough. Fill it out, bitches, and let's get a cycle going. (P.S. this one doesn't really apply to you males out there. Sorry guys.)
A Few Simple Questions )
2) Release the deadly poison I've been storing in my molar.
3) Live next door to you.
4) Nothing different.
5) Give you the widlest night of your life. ;) lol
6) First I'd wonder why. Then I'd try to do something to cheer you up.
7) Isn't that why you're at college?
8) I don't know. I'm not there!
9) See question 5.
10) See question 5.
11) Let's just say I gave you the ringtone "You may think it sounds too crazy."
12) Well, you have two of them. They both work, to an extent. I think they're both on the front of your head.
13) It's all there (something to be happy about as a guy).
14) It's there too.
15) Yes
16) Yes
17) Yes
18) Yes
19) No
20) Yes, how many times do I have to say it? If I were gay, you'd be face-down for the rest of your life. lol
21) Not that I know of.
22) Not that I know of.
23) Not that I know of.
24) Not that I know of.
25) Yes.
26) Not that I know of.
27) Good question!
28) I'd think so. Either that, or the closest enemies ever.
29) Jamies for anime club last year, about September I believe.
30) Palahniuk-esque.
31) I can't recall.
32) I can't recall.
33) Chuck Palahniuk.
34) My virgin. Not my virginity, but the woman I've got locked in the closet. lol
35) I don't know
36) Wednesday.
37) Yes, but that's only because I'm easily tempted to spread others secrets, but never do.
38) You could just reply on my myspace.
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