UGH- Halloween, and this is NOT how it's supposed to GO!

Oct 27, 2007 23:01

WOO Feeling ignored!

I planned a slumber party, kind of in the middle of the week.  And people were going to come.  And they bailed.  Kat went to work on P-chem.  (which I get, but it's saturday and we were going to do girl partying- so ick)  Brit and Meghan said they weren't coming up til the 2nd round of the Exorcist on AMC (so not til 2 and HALF HOURS LATER).  Bri said she just got back from the Gym and was cold and tired and was going to take a nap, so call her after the exorcist.  SO....they all wanted to meet later I guess.....but Meg and Brit LIVE A FLIGHT OF STAIRS DOWN FROM ME.  IN MY HOUSE.  But W/E.

The party yeasterday ended up being ok.  People RAVED about my rice krispies (much to my amusement, cince I fucked them up, but THAT'S why they were so good)  It was really rough for me at the Beginning.  I didn't want to be there, I felt really fat and ugly, I wasn't there to run things and people just didn't know what to do.  I got really frustrated.  And then Dan got mad at me, or I thought he did, and while walking back here to grab MORE stuff i forgot, I almost started crying.  Then Dan and I DID start fighting.  We made up, and I DID cry a little b/c I got emotional over the fact that I thought he was made at me.  SO....I probly freaked out club with an outburst about how 'I'd rather hang myself then be here right now"  I was uber frustrated and being EMO.  WHich all in BAD.

Everntually, I got everything running (EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDN"T HAVE THINGS RUNNING IN THE RIGHT ROOM AND I WAS GOING TO KILL THEM ALL!) and things started to get better.  I got to show off some decent DDR skills and be social.  I talked to Janice a lot, which was an event in itself.

THEN everything went BACK downhill.  We tried to take grou[ picks and Rach's camera went wonky- which sucks on MULTIPLE levels.  THen we used Alexis's and that was fine.  But I hopped into the picture and apparently got too close to Allison and she was freaking out about her PURCHASED wings getting crushed.  And I was like HEHE, and poked them.  And she seemed irritaed, but not HORRIBLY< so I did it again to be obnoxious and she TRIED TO RIP MYFLESH OUT!  She like grabbed/pinched my arm and i actually have a bruise.  I DON'T BRUISE EASY!!!!  I was like, THAT WAS TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR!  I told her this verbally when she did it and she snapped back, with well poking my wind was uncalled for!  So I was pissed at her for the next 20 minutes, and for some freakish reason I STILL went back into the DDR room and changed the game so she could DDR to Butterfly.  Not that I was HAPPY about it.  But I did.  So, we're taking pics and I go into the hall b/c a CS guy is there and I';m like, you can lock the doors, we'll close 'em when we leave and he said "That's gonna be pretty soon right?" or something like that, meaning, OMG, it's midnight.  SO GET OUT.  Even though the building stays openish ALL THE TIME, Unlike the KC which gets shut down at 12. So ....I was not happy.  So I whipped my Kids into a frenzy and we took all the decor down.  Then people wandered off, some of them anyway.  Michael gave me a hug when he left, a GOOD hug, and it was strange.  but not bad.  I felt like we were good friends and that was nice.  While I was taking down the PS2, I ended up chatting with ALexis and Mary and we bonded.  We were there another half hour AT LEAST before we left the building.  Then they came back to Ing and we chatted and stuff till 3:30 AM!  So now we're like UBER friends, and will hang out more, so that was the good part of things.

That kind of wraps things up.  jamie is coming over to sleep over, so fuck everyone else.  We're going to have fun ANYWAY!
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