Jun 22, 2004 15:03
So I just started chatting with a friend of the family that I haven't heard from in a thousand years. We call him Little Larry cause his dad's name is Larry too. He's only six years older than me. He's in Iraq right now. Part of our conversation:
brantley_m8876: Completely off subject but did you hear that Gwyneth Paltrow named her baby Apple? That cracks me up.
LittleLarry: APPLE??!!
brantley_m8876: I swear
LittleLarry: if Iwas that baby I'd be mad as hell
LittleLarry: apple
brantley_m8876: yeah, I'd keep her up all night crying and screaming
LittleLarry: why not name the next one Bannana
LittleLarry: wacky
brantley_m8876: soon she'll have a whole fruit salada
LittleLarry: lmao
LittleLarry: one fruity family
LittleLarry: i gotta ask. It's a girl right?
brantley_m8876: I think so.
LittleLarry: wonder what her middle name is?
brantley_m8876: seed?
LittleLarry: what if Fiona Apple had a son and the two kids got married? Apple Apple
brantley_m8876: Ha ha ha
brantley_m8876: that's just great, gee I hope it happens
LittleLarry: Apple Seed Paltrow........that's going to do wonders for self esteem growing up!