Was a tasty son of a bitch

Jun 14, 2004 01:10

Oh sweet dancing Jehovah, I have found a new obsession! I have vastly underestimated the hotness that is Jake Gyllenhaal. I bought a copy of GQ today at Borders just because he was on the cover. I officially wanted to stalk him when I read a small list of some of his favorite songs on his I-pod. Among them were: The Rufus, Nina Simone, and Maroon 5, all of which I'm crazy in to. James Taylor also. He is a walking contradiction, a hot nerd. The hot nerd that all geeks around the world should pledge their undying allegiance to. I bet he loves tech tv and can read binary codes. He's like Mcgiver, if Mcgiver had been hot. Yes, run Nerds, melt down your star trek memorabilia and science awards to build his golden shrine! The space ship is coming; our savior is named Jake!
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