Dec 07, 2004 14:18
The past always comes back to us in some form or another. For me it's usually in a bad form.. but not this time... This time I think its different... and Good. In time I'll know if I'm right, but... I just have a feeling about it.. some connections have been made in the past have been reestablished.
Why Am I being excrutiatingly vague about this? I'm not, I'm merely talking to myself... I'll let you in on something, though.. Her name is Carrie. We really clicked a few years ago, but certain circumstances, which I will not divulge in, developed a break in proverbial familial ties between certain friends of ours, and us as a 'couple'... No blame is being pointed, because A little of everyones Ignorance was involved. I'll not tolerate any objections from anyone, either... people are allowed to make their own decisions, this is not Rome or Afghanistan.. and we are not endentured servants (Well, maybe to our own affections for one another..), so if you have something to say, and it's not nice, dont say it, because you'll be wasting your breath.. I'll not listen, because I've heard it all before, and I don't care about the opinions of others where my personal life is concerned, unless I ask, of course. I'm not asking. shut your hole. Only reason I'm saying that is to weylay any backlash that I am SO expecting because of this post. I'm like a boilingpot.. light a fire under me, and theres no limit to the amount of heat I can generate... so back off.
Anyhowl, I'll start by letting some emotions out, now.. and my thoughts on the situation. I love her, would do anything for her.. I thought I lost her because of what happened, and was pretty sad because of it.. I'm elated that we're back in contact now, and talking on a regular basis.. I hope that it will bloom into so much more, and I'm going to work at it slowly so no more fuckups will come about.. Most people should be happy for us, but I know there are those out there in the furc world who'll probably get a 'little' upset.. piss off and get a life of your own if this is you.
More to come at a later date... a lot more, I'm sure. :)
....Come, reap.