
Jun 24, 2005 09:52

i thought i was going to die a few days ago. pounding head, not being hungrey, very tired all the time, and i just simply hurt all over!!! went to the doc's and he took blood (almost passed out at the nurce's station) and tested it for mono and for anything else aka: bad blood. it's not mono and he didn't detect any "bad blood" cells, however he did say that my white blood count was very high.

it's been a while since i've logged anything here. so please let me give you all the run down of how things have been going with the "BIG JOB HUNT." I AM STILL JOBLESS!!!! well i have a part time job but that doesn't count. i am still living at dad's house and going crazy!!!! my cat has fleas soo bad and an upper respatory infection. i have no money to treat him for the infection and it's almost pointless to treat him for the fleas when the dog has them and the other cats do too. they go out side all the time, jeremiah (my cat) doesn't.

i've had a few portfolio reviews. and one offered me a position, although it wasn't until this october when one of the girls goes on maternity leave. i had a review this past thursday but i was really sick, and he had to leave town on a family issue. but it's rescheduled for next thursday at 3pm. it's with design works. then after the 27th i may be interviewing with university of cincinnati's admin & business svcs. for a printing and duplicating svcs, digital prepress operatior, and graphic designer postition.

but really i want the job with staples in framingham, ma!!!! i'm hanging on a string!!! waiting!!!! God please grant me the patience to wait?! in the mean while i'm looking for something to keep me busy!

also, i've been to a few churches in the area here in hamilton, but not really liked them. i'm going to try and go to the vineyard in tri-county. but one problem, i don't know where it is? so i think my best bet is to call the chruch, or get the chruch's address and map quest it.

oh yeah saw batman begins with a long time friend chris burton!!! good movie. we went to BRAVOS! for dinner b4 the movie, and now i am redoing their menu's!! freelance opportunity!!!! you never know what's going to happen next!

but fer now i must in the tub and get ready for work in about 2 hours. have a good day all!
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