Aug 24, 2004 23:16
yeah- we did here's the conversation.....
matt: hey...just thought i'd say hi real quick
i'm headed to bed though
me:hey did you get my invite?
matt: yeah...i got it...didn't see when it was
i'll e-mail ya tomorrow
me: hold on a sec
matt: k
me: i do have one question for you?
matt: k
me: it's the first thing on the inside of the card....
matt: oh...ok
me: what was the kiss for?
matt: i didn't look too carefully yet
um...i guess it was kinda the situation and i wanted to...
me: and...
i wanted to also, but didn't know what to do
or what to expect
matt: hmmm...i don't know what you're wanting to know
me: was it a kiss to see if you felt anything, or was it a honest kiss to say something else?
matt: probably to see if i really felt anything i'd say
me: and u didn't
matt: no...sorry fontaine
me: ic
matt: not that i don't like you as a friend though
me: just to let you know.... i was scared to kiss you (if you could tell in the kiss)
that's cool
thank you for being honest
matt: sure
i had to be honest
me: then why did u aviod me?
did you get my email when i asked you what was wrong?
i'm not mad
matt: didn't wanna confront the issue i guess
me: i just want to know why
matt: why i didn't want to confront it?
me: yeah
matt: didn't want to hurt your feelings or anything
me: what hurts is that fact that u didn't want ot confront me about it, and then the avioding me. i want my friends (shoot the guy that i'm "talking" too) to remain honest with me
matt: well...and that's why i wrote you
me: and thank you for it
question is now from me is are u still going to come to the dinner invited you too
matt: i'll check the date and let you know
me: i spent all morning makeing that card, and it took me three times to make the envelope
was it nice?
matt: very nice card fontaine!!!!!
i was impressed!
me: really?
matt: honestly!
me: did ur mom see it?
matt: i thought you bought it until you told me you made it
she liked it too
me: ok
does it look store bought?
matt: naw...just very nice
me: my name is on the inside of it (printed)
i went to the store tonight and was asking the people in the meat dept how to cook fish
and they (or the older women) laughed at me
matt: well...i gotta get to bed...sorry to cut it short
me: i was thinking after dinner a walk in the park
matt: gotta get up at 6:45
that'd be cool
me: yeah how was class?
matt: it was class...
easiest way to put it
k well good night
looking forward to ur email
night night!
that was it. and i'm okay with it (i think). just with that kiss, i could of done sooo much more than just letting our lips dance. i let him be in control with it, b/c i was nervous about it.
hum... oh well it happens. i should be use to it by now
i'm out!