OOC Character Notes

Feb 23, 2009 07:13

In contrast to my not-here-anymore! character rant earlier, I decided to a little list so people stopping by can tell easier WHAT THE HELL I AM DOING.

1. Aniki vs Hyung - I felt using "hyung" (male to male term for "older brother") since it felt/is more, well, Korean.

2. Respect to Elders - Check. Somewhat. Seems to not respect so much elders if they're friends or certain kinds of family.

3. Care for Family - Check. This Korea will have somewhat high values concerning family relationships. Total family guy. In Korea, domestic violence is pretty much an everyday thing, to the point that it's almost everywhere in Korean television. Korea's also got a history of "domestic violence" and hatred, so he does not like it AT ALL if it's happening to one of his friends, etc. In fact, he's probably paranoid.

4. Calling everyone by their Korean names - Definitely check! If you see my Hetalol Booblist, a number of Korean names for each nation has been provided. In any RP this Korea will be in, he will refer to EVERYONE by their Korean names. But for starters I will probably OOCnote or whatever the names until people learn or something. Hopefully this won't confuse you guys.

5. Hyung's breasts - Not so much. SORRY GUYS! Though Yong Soo is a 15-16 year old with RAGING HORMONES MOSTLIKELY , this whole "oppa (female to male term for "older brother") vs oppai (Japanese for breasts)" gag isn't much from the heart of Korea. I'm not gonna COMPLETELY abolish it though. Just going to have it less frequent. Besides, the joke's getting pretty old.

6. Claiming to be the origin of things - Only when it's potentially amusing or historically accurate, or whichever. Korea is smart enough to not claim EVERYTHING. And there is a LOT of truth to the claiming-origin-of-Japan's-language thing. (Thank you Viet-mun for showing me the article~)

List of Countries + Korean Writing + Pronounciations
America - 미국/Miguk, 아메리카 합중국/Amerika Hapjungguk
Austria - 오스트리아/Oseuteuria
Belarus - 벨라루스/Bellaruseu
Belgium - 벨기에/Belgie
Canada - 카나다/Kanada
China - 중국/Jungguk/Chungguk
Cuba - 쿠바/Kuba
Denmark - 덴마크/Denmakeu (using "Tenmaku")
Egypt - 이집트/Ijipteu
Estonia - 에스토니아/Eseutonia
Finland - 핀란드/Pillandeu
France - 프랑스/Peurangseu
Germania - 게르마니아/Gereumania
Germany - 독일/Dogil, 도이칠란트/Doichillanteu
Greece - 그리스/Geuriseu
HRE - 신성 로마 제국/Shinsung Roma Jaeguk
Hong Kong - 홍콩/Hongkong
Hungary - 헝가리/Heonggari
Iceland - 아이슬란드/Aisullandu
Japan - 일본/Ilbon
Latvia - 라트비아/Rateubia
Liechtenstein - 리히텐슈타인/Rihitensyutain
Lithuania - 리투아니아/Rituania
N. Italy - 이탈리아, 북/Itallia, Buk
S. Italy - 이탈리아, 남/Itallia, Nam (Just going to use Itallia for both, most likely)
Norway - 노르웨이/Noreuwei
Poland - 폴란드/Pollandeu
Prussia - 프러시아/Peureosia
Rome - 로마/Roma
Russia - 러시아/Reosia
Sealand - 시랜드/Sillandu
Seychelles -  세이셸/Saeshereu
Spain - 에스파냐/Eseupanya, 스페인/Seupein
Sweden - 스웨덴/Suweden
Switzerland - 스위스/Seuwiseu
Taiwan - 타이완/Taiwan, 대만/Deman
Thailand - 태국/Taeguk
Tibet - 티벳/Tibet
Turkey - 터키/Teoki
TRN Cyprus - 북키프로스 터키 공화국/bukkipurosu teoki konghwaguk
UK - 영국/Youngguk
Ukraine - 우크라이나/Ukeuraina
Vietnam - 베트남/Beteunam

Thaaat's the notes for now. Half awake. WIll write more later if I can remember anything.

notes, ooc, general

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