Feb 18, 2008 23:06
I awoke for class. My clock said 1213. Class began at 1215. I had set my clock to Rusty’s clock. Jesse said that I had 25 minutes. I went to get lunch. I ate within 15 minutes. I was fifteen minutes late for class. I didn’t set my clock to Rusty’s clock tonight.
I told Abigail that I wasn’t attached to her. That I felt that I wasn’t attached to anything. She is a bit of a mystic.
An Excerpt from Wiki:
“Mysticism is the pursuit of achieving communion, identity with, or conscious awareness of ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, or insight. Traditions may include a belief in the literal existence of dimensional realities beyond empirical perception, or a belief that a true human perception of the world goes beyond current logical reasoning or intellectual comprehension. A person delving in these areas may be called a Mystic.
A common theme in mysticism is that the mystic and all of reality are One. The purpose of mystical practices is to achieve that oneness in experience, to achieve a larger identity and re-identify with the all that is.”
She shaved her head for Neptune Day, and considered it an incredible achievement in removing Attachments, she had had hair longer than her shoulders her entire life. She was the one to which I said, “At least you have hair…”
Well, after a bit of conversation and a bit of non-conversation she said that she didn’t think she wanted to be my friend anymore due to my non-attachment.
Inspiration wrote the following Poem and left it on her door:
You gave up your hair:
The “beauty” that carried you for twenty-one years.
And I am but a mirror,
Into which to gaze.
You gave up your hair:
The “beauty” that you carried for twenty-one years.
And I am but an empty vessel,
Into which to pour.
But me,
You could not give up.
You looked upon me,
And from your lips
Flowed the words:
“Be Here Now.”
(Post Entry Commentary: Have yet to see G. Orr. Abigail is the title.)
If she truly wishes to be free from attachment, then we will still be friends. I think it is Modest Mouse who says, “Everything’s different, but nothing has changed.” I hope she can see this. Nothing is different for me save her. The external remains the same. I remain the same. Just how she views me has changed. Why must a person become attached to another in order for them to interact and enjoy life together? They needn’t. One can enjoy the time he or she has with another, but needn’t suffer just because the other is absent. I have found that all is one through logic. She has found that all is one through experience. And so I was introduced to not just knowing that all is one, but experiencing that oneness. I don’t believe that she thinks in oneness, but only feels it, presently. Dion Fortune says that an Occultist and a Mystic will both find truth, but neither will be able to proceed wholly without both means of reaching it.
WikiQuote on Occultism:
“Occultism is the study of occult or hidden wisdom. To the occultist it is the study of "Truth", a deeper truth that exists beneath the surface: 'The truth is always hidden in plain sight'. It can involve such subjects as magic (alternatively spelled and defined as magick), extra-sensory perception, astrology, spiritualism, numerology and lucid dreaming. There is often a strong religious element to these studies and beliefs, and many occultists profess adherence to religions such as Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Luciferianism, Thelema, and Neopaganism.”
Not too much else notable has happened today. Ben and I ran into one another many times. The same with Heike. Like 6 each. Heike has been met in the past. But that is on the last day of Brazil. So you will read about her in the future, unless you are reading this in the future and it has been ordered in such a way that the entries are chronological, in which case you already know who she is. Will be in South Africa by 0800. Will send mail from Cape Town, and I believe that I will receive it as well. ;) Wondering about plans that were made with Abigail and her crew. Perhaps I will have to make new ones if she wishes me to stay away. Hmm… bizarre.
I think about so many people in a day from before my life here. Sometimes intensely. Barry, Jade, Christine, Luke, Dion, Leah, my Grandfather, my Mom, Alberto, Chris, Devin, Ariel, Patrick, Nathan, Shezza, Erick… I love them all. I hope to see Barry much more, I want to know all about him. I hope to see Jade, to speak of everything we have experienced. To see Christine will give me such joy, we’ll spend hours, days conversing. Lukyan, how I wonder who he is and what his life is like. Dionys, I enjoy so much learning about how he continues to grow and learn. The day we stop either or both of these is the day we die. He’s a very fascinating person, but I am probably biased, as he is my brother, but one spends one’s whole life viewing a person in a certain way, and then when you step back, you can finally truly appreciate who they are and what they stand for. I’ll say again, I am so curious about Luykan. My Grandfather has so many years. What can I learn and teach? I hope that he has happiness. My mom, a very a beautiful person, she got mixed up, but I think that’s because her three sons never realized just how beautiful she could be if we had only given her the opportunity. By the time I return, Alberto and Chris had better have quit the Diner! Devin’s such a special person who just exudes happiness and energy, I know that I will spend time with him when I return. The exact same for Ariel. How is Patrick anyway? Has Nathan made progress for humankind as he dreamed? I truly hope so. Shezza. Erick. They are both changing the world, I know it. And my father, who left me with nothing and everything. Absence brings truth to those who do not see One, and I had no idea. I must thank him in person one day. How many days, how many years has it been? Will it be? How amazing that a single person can have such impact on my life while only being physically there for so short a time. I love all of you. Every person whom I have ever encountered, have yet to encounter, and will never encounter. To quote Trent Reznor: “We’re in this together now.” How so very true.