I Can Never Think Up Creative Titles

May 25, 2009 22:52

It's night time. I'm not exactly at that tired point, but I'm getting there.

I've been listening to music and talking to Kiska all afternoon and evening. WE ARE EPIC~ XD

Oh, what will tomorrow bring? Hopefully not more allergies. D:

I hope I won't fall asleep in International Business. Darn Benadryl. I swear those tablets weren't night time but SOMETHING made me so tired. ><

I'd like to get my art stuff over with. That would be a good thing. We have until Friday to finish that painting and I'm all like, "AJSGFKJDHFJKDSHFKDSHFDS," because she never tells us due dates. WHY NOW, ALL OF A SUDDEN? D:

In Writer's Craft we get to listen to more seminars. I'm looking forward to that! So far it's very entertaining to listen to other people's pieces of work. I think I'm going to read my second story. Fourteen pages, so maybe I'll be able to read that in 15 minutes? Ahe... >>;

Tomorrow I get to go to this candle party with my mom, so I'm looking forward to that. YAY, SCENTS! =D

I haven't been wearing any make-up lately because don't want to rub it off if my eyes continue to be irritated by THESE DARN ALLERGIES. FML. D=<

Bon soir...

fml, school, fun, allergies, kiska is amazing

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