Now to explain everything. =)
Friday was really fun. I'm happy I got to go to the party. My goodness... Cheesy horror movies are amusing. *wants to watch more* I couldn't stop laughing. I hope I didn't annoy anyone with my laughing... XD;
I was honestly expecting not to do anything Saturday besides drawing Sarah a picture for her be-lated birthday present and paint my nails and do something to occupy myself in my room, but I got a call from Wendy saying that her, Brandon and Jessie were going to the mall and she invited me. I was like, "OMG YES. THE MALL. I HAVEN'T BEEN THERE IN FOREVER. 8D"
Wendy's mom gave me a ride and then we met up with Brandon and Jessie at the Sears' (shoes) entrance. We wandered around, giggled at certain things in Spencer's, I bought Dance Dance Revolution X (YAYAYAYAYAY), sniffed at stuff in the Body Shop, seen Cora in Ardène's, ate at the food court, and went into Zellers. OMG. We were explaining The Game to Wendy. That was really amusing! (So we got one more person playing The Game with us. XDDD)
After Zellers we went to Home Outfitters to sit in the massage chairs. Oh man...there was this one that was AMAZING except it hurt my shoulders! We went to Wal-Mart right after. I DIDN'T KNOW THEY HAD FISHIES IN WAL-MART. D: lol... All of the Halloween stuff was 50% off... XD We got Candy-Corn! So after Wal-Mart we went to the Video Network place to get movies. =3
So after those uptown adventures, we went to Brandon's house. SO MUCH CANDY. OMG. WE HAD FONDO. =D We were watching Untracable. Holy, that movie was pretty gory at some moments. @__@ ...Brandon scared Wendy a lot. *hugs Wendy* Dawh... XDDD Brandon scared Wendy when she was leaving up the stairs too. Gosh we're horrible. =X We all fail because we can't scare Brandon... D:
We chatted a bit and I left a bit later on. That was a lovely Saturday. X3
Sunday was fun. Not the chores I had to do in the morning, but yeah. I got to finally paint my nails! (They're hot pink and black. 8D) I drew Sarah's be-lated birthday present and got ready to pick up Wendy.
Lauren was there first. Wendy and I gave our presents to Sarah and she liked them. That made me happy. X3
Jessie, Brandon and Ashie arrived right after. We all talked and ate pizza for a while and then popped in a movie. Day of the Living Dead, I think it was called...? It was a recent zombie-like movie so... IT WAS NOT A HORROR. MY GOODNESS. IT WAS A COMEDY. XDDD We all couldn't stop laughing! WE LOVED VEGGY-ZOMBIE! There was this guy who was a soldier and a vegetarian who got turned into a zombie. He took orders and didn't eat anyone. My goodness. We all wanted him as a pet. He was so CUTE. <333 XDDD I said that we had to rewind the part where the doctor got pulled up by a zombie. XDDDDDDDDDDD
After the movie we all talked and stuff. We were doing the Circle Truth thing, but we all kind of strayed off from that. Sarah and Lauren were talking more with each other. I was...kind of multi-listening to everyone...? XD; ...Brandon was scaring Wendy more. XDDDDDD
It was a lot of fun! ...Although I don't think we'll be seeing much of Sarah again... It's rather disappointing... <=|
That night my mom was getting on my case about school again. It left me in a rather sour mood before going to bed... I listened to my .hack//G.U. soundtracks before going to bed. I've been getting back into that music again. <3 It makes me wanna get the marriages for the game... >> I woke up around every hour during night. Argh. That's when my throat was starting to hurt. It just HAD to top it off with a dream about Andy... *sighs and grumbles* >=|
I wasn't in that good of a mood in the morning. Well, I was able to wake up at least...
It was nice seeing Wendy, Brandon and Kylie on the bus. Hurray for bus adventures... X3 Then it was nice seeing people in the morning too.
I talked with Jessie during first period. I only had to read one more page of our play: A Doll House, so it was fun I got the chance to talk. We were looking at fun stuff on the computer. *WANTS A MICROSOFT SURFACE* Those funky tables I've seen on Daily Planet are so cool... Too bad they cost $10k. D:
OMG. I GOT 91% IN ENGLISH CLASS. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. We read act 2 of A Doll House. It's so interesting! I really like it. ^^ Dr. Rank is so cute... <333 If it ended my way in that chapter, I'd have Dr. Rank have an affair with Nora, Nora can catch his STD, then they can both die young and Nora won't be able to repay her loan. 8DDD
Lunch was fun. Nothing too big, really. We did practise after eating... =)
It was a bit scary in French. I was getting a headache and at one moment I couldn't breathe. Darn throat... It felt so icky. I felt like I was going to vomit... DX We read our Le Petit Prince and practised more oral. I think I'll practise speaking French more... Ah! That's right! I have a French quiz tomorrow! I shall have to study...
We had our quiz in Religion and then watched a movie. Wow... It was about teens talking about the Church and stuffz. This part amused me:
Girl: My friend is so nice, but she's not Catholic. I think God will still let her into Heaven, though! ...LIKE A BACK DOOR.
Then it was talking about how Jesus called God Abba (which I remember). So guess what I did...? 8D I turned to Kylie and I was like, "Watch out, Kylie. Daddy's going to make you come through the back door. >=D" ...Yeah. I went there. XDDD Ah well. It's amusing to joke in Religion class...
I was listening to music alone on the bus when coming home. Yay... ^^;
I didn't end up playing my new DDR game after all... Gah... D:
*coughcough* Darn my throat~ Dad and I went to the clinic and I got a perscription for some medicine. *cough*
I feel pretty awful... I don't like getting sick. I don't wanna start missing school... If I miss school, then I miss work, and I HATE catching up. It's going to be a nightmare to catch up on grade 12 work. ;A;
...I hate it how Andy's still sneaking in my thoughts every so often. I want thoughts of her gone. It still hurts me thinking about everything. I don't even want to look at my first entry on LJ. Argh... Horrid summer at that moment...
Sometimes I wonder if she thinks about me. I bet she still keeps that Sasuke plushy doll I made her and thinks everything's fine and dandy. *shakes head* Immature kid...
Some songs still make me think of her and I have to skip the songs or else I feel even more down. Sometimes I want to continue with Naruto and Loveless... *coughs* ... *drinks water*
So I haven't been in contact with her since...early October or late September...? At least that's good. I'm not bothering to even talk to her. I know for sure I don't love her anymore. It wasn't that easy, but it stopped around August. The memories just kept hurting for a long time... Things are much better than they were back then. I feel pretty good. I don't need someone treating me that bad. I deserve so much better...
For some reason I can't see myself dating a guy. I just have an odd feeling... I'd really like to be together with a girl. I'm scared to tell my parents if I start liking a girl (again). They ignore the fact of my bisexuality...or prefer just not talking about it... But I think I will tell them: I do like someone.
I like a girl. I haven't told my parents yet. I've liked her for a while now. I fear that if I confess to her, she'll think I'm weird and immature... If things go nicely and I'm not too shy, I plan on confessing to her sometime this month. I'm also scared if she likes me as well, that my parents won't approve...
It's rather sad that I can't stand up to my mom a lot. I know she means well, but sometimes I just wanna keep reminding her, "I'll be 18 in less than 4 months. I'll be an adult and I believe I can make many decisions for myself."
Whoa~ Long entry. I think I shall stop it here... (Lazy to proof read... XD)