Randomly, I MUST show this. XDDD
OMG, is that Bella's ass? No wonder Alice wants to tap that! Like...omg... Bella's butt. It's...It's... *WANTS THOSE PANTIES/SHORTS* WAIT WHAT!? I-I-I MEAN-! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. THE MARY-SUE MADE MY LIKE HER. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ...Like... I'd tap that... ARGH.
It makes me wanna watch the movie for Bella's ass a little... =X
...I think my butt looks good? I'd love to have those kind of panties/shorts...things... >x>
...Apparently there's going to be a lot of make-out scenes with Edward and Bella? (Sex sells at the box-office, people.)
I always feel awesome after finishing assignments, tests, etc. This week feels pretty exciting.
I managed to finish my Jane Eyre book, hand in my outline, finish my in-class essay, and study with everyone at Wendy's house today. I HOPE TO DO WELL ON THE TEST TOMORROW. D:
The Halloween dance ish tomorrow evening. OH. And I think there's a talent show practise tomorrow at lunch? But I must go to Common Bonds meeting at lunch... Are we doing that can thing Thursday evening...? Hmmm...
I can't wait for Kelly's birthday party on Friday~ I shall shower her with hugs! X3 I haven't seen a lot of her lately because I feel so busy damn grade 12 school work. D: So I can't wait to see her again! X3
And then it is Serai's Halloween party on Sunday. I'm sure that's going to be fun: seeing everyone there and stuffz... =3
I NEEDZ TO WRITE MY PART IN THE IROTACHI. It sounds all epic doing this. >D
My tummy hurts... Well, no. Actually my tummy hurts all the time, it's my side. I think I carry my binder too much and it indented into my side...? Owie...