Dream a dream
Lover, take me in your dream
Take me anywhere you please
Boy, you're making me scream
(Now I feel like playing Dance Dance Revolution...)
I had an amazing dream last night. o.o
It was Kannazuki no Miko! Like...WOW. I've never had a Kannazuki no Miko dream before! <333 Hurray for Yuri!
So It was Chikane and I and we were in some house AND TOGETHER which made me "WTF" a lot because Himeko was there too. Eventually it lead to a ChikaneXTaneXHimeko. XDDD Lots of kissing. Bwahaha. It felt really real. Very passionate. Ahhh, kissing is nice~ Later on they were going to go somewhere by themselves and I remember Chikane saying, "I hope you don't mind, Tane. It's just something Himeko and I must do. We'll come back soon," and of course I was like, "Don't worry about it! It's fine!" And we all hugged each other and some more nice kissing. XDDD asfhgsdfhshfjkdsfjk <333 Later on in the dream I was with Yako (random Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro for some reason!?). Apparently I must have gotten lonely and called up Yako. Heh heh... I got to get Yako in shackles and all that snaz. <333 (Maybe that has to do with me drawing something like that last night...? Heh, I titled the picture Majin Tantei Tenshi Tane. XDDD!!) Later on, terroists interupted my time with Yako. GRRRRRR. >=| I was about to call the police, but then...I WOKE UP. ARGH. >n<
After having that dream I want to read the Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora manga. I wonder if there's more scanlations of it now? I hope the DVDs of that series comes to North America since it's like the spin-off to Kannazuki no Miko. Ahhhh, Chikane... <3333333
I finished Kelly's Uzumaki manga. Bwahaha! It was an interesting story. I liked it! XD But it sets me off even more from having children. Very creepy. XP The Shuichi guy amused me so much. XDDD
I'm starting on the Tramps Like Us ones now. I can't wait to finish all of them. =3
Hopefully I can get out of the house today to go for a walk. The weather looks nice outside. ^__^
Back to reading!
Aurevoir, mes amis! =3