Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others
So I haven't been writing a lot lately because of school and bleh. I've been making more of the Neuro AMV HELL as well. It keeps me happy, oddly. All of the songs are amusing and I keep changing my mind all of the time for new things to put it. It amuses me. I'm going to put a HUGE, EPIC surprised at the end. OMG. It made Kiska and I laugh so much. Heh... I can't wait to finish it to show everyone. I feel like a making a masterpiece or something...
I've been focusing more on school. I feel happy with myself for that. Went to a scolorship presentation, so I know I need to get my butt moving on that.
I felt so depressed today. I had a dream about Andy last night... Yeah, that explains a lot, doesn't it? In my dream, I was with Katrina and we were both touring this film festival thingy. We got to see this film on a set. Oddly, Brandon was one of the actors there. Katrina left and so I watched the set on my own. Later on, I went to Jessie's house and...Andy was there. I felt so angered in my dream that I wanted to get a hammar and crush her skull in and- ...Yeah. Instead I just gave the most disgusted glare I could muster. Katrina was in Jessie's room and that's all I could remember. Obviously I got smexed up by her to forget about my troubles. ;D XDDDDD
I really felt horrible waking up this morning. I hope tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow is dress down day so I don't have to wear the uniform, YAY. Everyone's going to be going to Hill City Comics after school as well. =) That should be a lot of fun. <3
I'm hoping I can find love once again. I miss being in love... I know I'm not going to be with anyone soon or anything. Argh...all of the guys in the school are so immature, there's bicurious chicks that'll end up straight and...I don't even know if we have many lesbians. >>; I feel shallow, but...whatever. I want someone more older and mature. I suppose I'll find someone when going to university or some crap like that...