Okay, so school actually wasn't all that bad xDD Hee. I found my locker and can SUCESSFULLY open it...aaand the classes seem alright too :/ The only thing I worry about now is my stuff I have to carry. All this stuff is SO heavy DDDx By back cries T_T
Hah, I'm taking dance :0 Surprise, surprise. That class is AWESOME, there's only a few people there (all girls xD) and Elena (friend) is in that class, so it's cool. It's going to be hard remembering all the positions though :0
Uuuhm, yeah. I just can't wait to join some clubs. WAY looking forward to Animation Club ^______^ So I can draw...and I can hopefully find others who like what I like etc. OH met a cool person today named Taylor. She likes Ouran just like me, but hasn't watched the anime. I directed her to youtube xDD YEY YOUTUBE :0
I SHALL SCAN THIS WEEKEND, cause if I don't I never will with all the homework this classes are piling on :0
EDIT Why do I always feel nervous posting to communities? I think it's because I'm always afraid I'm going to break a rule :/ OH WEELZZ Dx
*nervous poster* xDD