I love love LOVE Tuesdays!!!! ^__^ 2 hours full of House goodness. :3 Plus I get to see more of my mom 'cause she loves the show as much as me...
I didn't catch the other ep. but the 2nd I got to see all the way through.
I LIKE HOUSE'S EVIL LAUGH...then he's all like "BUT NOT REALLY D:" Hee.~~
Aaawwwwws, at the end with Wilson. "MY WIFE IS HAVING AN AFFAIR!....HOUSE!!! D':" Poor Wilson T.T HOUSE SHOULD TALK TO HIM...and stuff D: And what is with House's leg? His muscle is disappearing or something? THAT looked like it hurt Dx Owwie...
I need some smexy House icons...anyone know where to find screenshots to make my own...or have some in stock??
I was at Maddy's most of today, swimming in her BIG pool and being...well crack-tastic. Dx We were playing DDR and making a video out of it...Maybe she'll post it on youtube or something D: It was really fun.
ALSO, tablets *like...cheap ones* cost only $100/??! WHERE can I get a GOOD cheap tablet? >3< All I have now is a mouse....>.> *glares at mouse*
It's funny how Maddy and I can remember cartoons like Mike, Lo, and Og and Dexter's Lab when our OTHER good friends don't know ANYTHING about them...>3< BUT she doesn't know about the Angry Beavers...AND I MUST show her the magic of the beavers >.>
No art, and no update for the Japan trip yet...>3<
- Upload/Draw some artings
- Draw more OP/Bleach/D. Gray Man/ FANART in general D:
- Make some sexy House icons
- See if there are any Angry Beaver/other stuff communities
- Paintchat more
- Find out how much Tablets cost and GET ONE T.T
* still loving this icon Dx *