Around 6 AM last night, I woke up to the sounds of feline SCREAMING, howling and hissing that I've never heard before. I got downstairs and found One staring out the window, shaking a ittle. I thought he saw something that upset him. I pet him for a while and went back to bed.
A few minutes later, the same noises woke me up, from BOTH cats. They chased each other up the stairs, and Miette was perched at her spot on the rail by the bathroom door, staring at One, growling and hissing. I stood there and pet her for a while, trying to get her to calm the hell down. Every time she saw One, she would stare at him and growl. He tried to get closer, an a submissive way, as if to say "Hey, it are me. We can has love again nao?" The growling got louder as he inched closer, and she would start hissing. If One gets too close, she screams horribly and attacks him. I have never heard such disturbing noises from my cats before, nor have I ever seen them behave like this. As near as I can tell, the scenario is something like:
1. They were playing, One got too rough and nicked Miette's ear.
2. Miette can't get over it and now hates One, although through their entire lives up to this point, they have been in inseparable ball of cute (see below photo)
While I was petting her, she finally calmed down a bit. I kept having to move One away to keep the situation from escalating. Eventually, she started purring and laid down like she was going to sleep. I went to bed.
I was awakened 4 or 5 more times by the horrid feline screeching since then, and had to get up and seperate them again several times. I'm really starting to worry that they won't be able to work this one out without tearing each other up.
Honestly, I'm afraid to leave them alone right now.
To make matters worse, Miette has staked a claim by the bathroom, where the litterbox is, and One is mostly staying downstairs near the food. There seems to be some sort of stalemate over the defense of shared resources. Which could get ugly as the need to eat and poop grows.
Even as I sit on the couch, typing this, One is sitting next to me, wanting to be pet, while Miette peers down from the bedroom, growling.
While on the subject of civil unrest, it looks like Mexico
knows how to deal with emo kids. Yes, I thought it was an early April Fool's prank, too. I wish I was making this up.
Mexico’s Emo War Escalates: Government calls for unity as massive attacks are threatened in Tijuana Mexico’s Goths deny involvement in anti-Emo attacks: ‘We are obscure, but not violent’ One one hand, I am appalled that something like this has gotten so out of hand. We're talking about massive violence over something as innocuous as a freaking teenage music subculture. As if Mexico doesn't have more pressing issues to concentrate on. It's pathetic.
On the other hand, while I abhor violence, the whole thing is so ludicrous as to be absolutely hilarious. I secured my one-way ticket on the short bus to hell a long time ago, anyway...