Weekend Randomness

May 16, 2005 16:15

The weekend update, as it was strange.

- Oplinger needed a ride up to phoenix yesterday. He called me right as I called him to see if I could crash on the couch saturday.
- Saw Unleashed. OMFG Jet Li hits HARD. And the movie's great! See it, see it now.
- Stayed up all friggin night ( I was awake for 26+ hours) playing a sweet ass new board game called Twilight Imperium.
- Saw Joyce and did the entire "Contrats Joyce" thing over graduation. Thanks for putting up with my quest for food :-D
- Got rear ended on the way to best buy. Friggin Fraggen Fucken. No one was hurt, save my pride. (It was low speed.)
- Drove home last night and as we passed Picaco (the town) we saw that the trailer park there was burning. People most likely died there last night. Could smell it all the way in Eloy. Remember people, friends don't let friends sleep in trailers.
- Posted something to Brit's LJ and it never showed up....
That sums it up. Yeah.
-- Andrew
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