Mar 01, 2006 22:16
Oh my Kyô... I only seem to have problems lately. The thing is, I definitely can't go to Paris on my own, so my mum is thinking to come with me. You can laugh if you like, but my parents have just been seeing a documentary about girls kidnapped (do u call it "white slave traffic"?) to make them prostitute themselves by force, steal their organs and a long etc of horrible things, so I really understand their concern. My father is totally scared... But mum has to consider it, I hope they will talk about it tomorrow and if mum comes along then I'll have to change my flight and reservation and everything. I still have to see Mana and I'm not giving up easily, but if in the end I have to go alone I may give up and stay here crying my soul out. I hope that doesn't happen... It's getting so late, I should know what I'm gonna do already! oh please mum, decide yourself, decide yourself. At least they understand I really WANT to go to the concert...
I need Beyond the Gate! I will download it for the time being and then buy the original cd in Paris I hope.... but no torrent site has it yet! oh please I need anyone to share T_T I'm dying to listen to it!
That's all for now, as you can imagine I'm just all nervous and worried. I've been studying so hard to fulfil this dream so that no one could say me: no you are not going. But I'm alone, no one from my town is going, and I'd be totally helpless in Paris. And I am an easy target (too innocent) for anyone who wants to hurt me... I wanna cry.