Mar 01, 2007 02:54
Sometime in life, things force you to choose. Choices that are harder than most other. Many times in life when left alone, one ponders about decisions and choices that one has made over the past as well as the previous outcomes and future consequences. Ive had time to think about a lot of things.
Vips and i are taking break, just till i can figure out a few things for myself. This doesnt mean by any chance that we are done, that tihngs broke down between us, that we failed as a couple. No, it just means that we both require some space and time to fully understand whether being married is the right choice for us at this stage of our lives. to figure out that if she is the one for me for good, coz once we are in it, it is final for me, and she shares my feelings. I know in the past on this journal i have shouted my love for her, and how happy she makes me. It still holds true today, she makes me very happy as a person, i feel very cared and loved by her. Her softest touch, sweetest voice will echo within me for a the entirety of this time, but i need to make some decision in my life and not give into another scenario forced upon by some people.
Some of you might find this information comforting, or enjoy the idea that something like this has happened to me. But for those who dont find the pleasure in this, i thank you for your understanding in the matter. You truly are friends of mine that i cherish.
to vips, this does not mean i dont love you, I do love you, more than anything or anyone on the face of this planet. You will be in my heart and soul for eternity. I just need the time and space to make the decision that will affect both of us for the rest of our lives. You and I both need to make sure that this is the path that we need to be on from now till whenever. August is just around the bend, if we dont do this now, it will be too late, and baby i dont want to hurt you when the time comes, i want to be sure about this before i marry you. Thanks for understanding, this is why i will always love you, coz instead of changing my mind about this, you have done everything in your power to facilitate this, and make it easier for me. I love you, always. Tu hain mera reason.
yes this means the wedding plans are postponed, sorry for those who were excited. im sure, we will arrange something for you so you can enjoy in the same fashion you were going to when you came to India. I promise that.
This also does not mean vips and i wont talk, or chat, or converse or be friends, we still and always will be more than friends to each other, Im 98 percent sure she is my soul mate, i just have to make sure of that 2 percent.
I love you vips.