Fic - Taking Tings Into Account

Oct 11, 2009 21:11

Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Andy Davidson
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Ianto&Andy friendship
Rating: Mild, for implication of M/M relationships
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine; they belong to the BBC.
Prompt: Done as a birthday present for merucha. A TORCHWOOD GRAIL story.
Summary: Andy has a bone to pick with Ianto.

Ianto was aware of Andy moving around but hadn’t paid any real attention to what the other man was doing. It therefore came as a surprise when Andy suddenly came to a halt in front of his desk and dropped a notebook down in front of him. Ianto blinked at the blank pages, then blinked again as a pen appeared in front of his nose.

“I only sign autographs on special occasions,” he deadpanned as he looked up at Andy. “Never on a Monday afternoon.”

“Hah, hah, very funny,” Andy snorted. “Hilarious, even. Now take the pen and get writing.”

“And what sort of immortal prose would you be after?” Ianto asked in amusement as he accepted the pen. He could see that Jack had come out of his office and was leaning against the railing and watching them with a small smile on his face.

“I’m after a list of the times you retconned me, Mr Amnesia,” Andy said with a growl. “Times, places and reasons you slipped one of those little white pills into my tea. Every time I turn around I remember another time you wiped my memory and it’s getting to the point where I feel like I’m two years older than I remember myself being!”

Ianto had the grace to blush. “Andy, it wasn’t that often. Just the odd day or so.”

“Where Torchwood is concerned, every day is odd, so you get writing,” Andy ordered.

“Every single occasion?” Ianto asked, doing his best to look innocent.

“Every single occasion,” Andy confirmed. “And Bambi eyes aren’t going to work on me.”

With a sigh, Ianto meekly started to write.

Over an hour and a half (and several double-sided pages) later, Ianto handed the result over to a scowling Andy and made his escape. Jack appeared as if by magic as Ianto put the finishing touches to their coffee, a wide grin on his face.

“Andrew Caradog is not a happy bunny,” he observed after he had taken his first, reverent sip.

“You’ve never got over finding out that his middle name is Caradog, have you?” Ianto said with affection.

“More people should be called Caradog,” Jack averred. “And they should all have their name spoken by you.”

“Flatterer,” Ianto huffed, unable to hold down his pleased smile.

“Truth-teller,” Jack said firmly. He stole a swift kiss, then dissolved into laughter as a howl of anguished fury rang through the Hub. “The oncoming storm,” he murmured to himself and shook his head when Ianto gave him a questioning look.

“Ianto Jones, you come here this bloody instant!” Andy screamed.

Ianto heaved a sigh and adopted a martyred expression as he left the kitchen and looked over to where Andy was practically hopping from one foot to the other. “You screamed?” he asked.

“What the hell is this supposed to mean?” Andy shouted, waving the list around wildly.

“You asked for details of when and why I retconned you,” Ianto said calmly. “I warned you that it would be better to remain in ignorance, but oh no, you had to know.”

“You… you…. What the hell is this bit about my being taken over by an alien and going on a sexual rampage?”

“That was an awkward one,” Ianto conceded. “We had a high old time making sure that all of your conquests were located and cured of the alien STDs you were carrying,” Ianto agreed.

“The entire Cardiff Blues team?!?!” Andy screamed in a falsetto shriek that set Myfanwy off.

“Jack was in awe of your stamina,” Ianto mused, aware of the muffled snickers coming from the kitchen. “I remember him commenting that he hadn’t thought you had it in you. Of course I don’t suppose you had until you were possessed. It was just as well Jack was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.” He watched with considerable satisfaction as Andy blanched.

“No. Tell me he didn’t. That I didn’t.”

“Well, we had to capture the alien somehow and technically speaking it wasn’t really you-“

“No! Nonononono,” Andy said frantically. “I don’t want to know!”

“But you said-“

“I’ve changed my mind!” Andy frantically tore up the pages he had been clutching and threw them on the floor. “Don’t tell me any more!”

He turned and made for the main door at a respectable speed. Ianto waited until the cog door had swung back into place before he laughed softly and made his way down to pick up the discarded paper. He turned to see Jack giving him a mock reproving look that was belied by the mischief dancing in his eyes.

“You are a very bad man, Mr Jones,” Jack said in a chiding voice.

“I try my best, sir,” Ianto responded in his primmest voice and listened to Jack’s laughter with pleasure.

“Was any of that the truth?” Jack asked, gesturing at the list.

“I included the ones he’s already remembered but all of the others were made up.” Ianto looked down at the torn pieces in his hands and sighed. “I don’t want him to remember the things I made him forget. There’ll be time enough for nightmares.”

“And good memories, as well,” Jack said swiftly. “We’re not going to repeat the old mistakes, Ianto. I’m not going to repeat them.”

Ianto gave him his warmest and most open smile. “I’m happy to hear that, Jack. Why don’t we shut down for the day and then go and spend some time making some happy memories of our own?”

Jack’s eyes gleamed and he quickly turned to make for his office. “As I’ve had cause to mention before, Ianto Jones, I like the way you think!


ianto&andy friendship, ianto/jack, torchwood grail, retcon, jack, humour, fanfic, andy, ianto, prompt

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