Title: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Martha, Mickey
Rating: Mild PG for kiss
Spoilers: Strong for Journey's End
Warning: Not really a good choice for Martha and Mickey fans
Disclaimer: Not mine; they belong to RTD and to the BBC
Summary: Written for Day Six challenge on
How happy is the blameless vestal'
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If anything else, there's always the hope that Rusty, the other higher-ups, and to a small degree John Barrowman, wants to avoid the "a homosexual relationship always ends in death" sci-fi trope.
While the characters of Martha and Mickey are strong in Who, they will be unknown to the Torchwood fanbase who don't watch both shows (and they exist). And the fact that Martha and Mickey are strong characters will mean that they are used more. A scriptwriter who's pushed for time is going to use a readily developed character rather than go to all the trouble of fleshing out another one - especially if they're having to write a new villain as well ( ... )
So the only one's where it was all Rusty was Martha and Jack - and since they both get repeatedly fucked over again and again it's not much of a change. I blame "Exit Wounds" on Chris Chimball, and since he's gone off to do a Law and Order series I don't worry about him anymore.
And Rusty wants positive homosexual relationships too! And if Rusty and John want it, it will probably happen.
I also feel optamistic about BBC1. The first season had Mary/Toshiko, and only very tiny hints that Jack/Ianto was going on until the snog in the last five minutes of End of Days. So we have the Evil Dead Lesbian cliche and pretty graphic hetrosexual stuff and barely mentioned gay things at all. The second season had Jack and Ianto actually talking about their relationship, and several kissing scenes.
I don't think there will be a lot of Jack/Ianto next season, just because the way the episodes are planned, but I don't think they'll break them up. Even if Ianto turns out to be an alien, Jack won't really care - just confused on how he missed it.
At the very least if would give Ianto some kind of backstory. I mean really is that *too* much to ask.
And when did Jack and Ianto talk about their relationship? We had a vague offer of a date (which was never followed through on, damn it!), and the very nebulous conversation in Last Man Standing, which could have applied to Gwen or the Team as much as Ianto. I know that I read a hell of a lot into that, but people I spoke to didn't see it as referring to Ianto. They saw it as a generic statement, which troubles me. Sometimes I worry that my filter is too strong and I see things because I want them to be there, but in actual fact there's nothing. I would probably have relaxed if we had had a scene at the end of Exit Wounds that mirrored the one between Gwen and Rhys. That would have been confirmation, but we didn't get it.
That's what worries me, they could easily replace Ianto with another love-interest and the causal viewers probably wouldn't care. We really haven't gotten anything.
Exactly. 10 seconds of screen time with Jack & Ianto just sitting next to each other on the sofa; or looking at each other over Jack's desk would have meant *something* if it followed the lead in of Gwen getting all weepy with Rhys. But oh no, we can't make it look like there's really anything there.
If they keep it ambiguous for yet another series I may just give up and live in the wonderful world of fan fiction- not that I don't all ready.
I just want one sodding scene to mirror the Gwen/Rhys scenes we get. Why is that so damned much to ask for???
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