From the drabble list

Jun 29, 2008 19:58

Last night's episode was just the thing to inspire me for this fic. You wanted angst; you've got angst!

Title: The Nothing I've Become
Characters: Jack (mention of Gwen and Ianto).
Rating: Open
Spoilers: Strong for The Stolen EarthWarnings: Character death. And angst. I did mention angst, did I ( Read more... )

angst, death!fic, broken!jack, second season story, jack, fanfic, episode-connected, prompt

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des_pudels_kern July 2 2008, 15:19:21 UTC
Yes. Yes, you did.

*cowers in corner and whimpers*

He didn't know. He can't have known. He took off without a thought, but I cannot believe that he knew, that he heard Ianto telling Gwen they were coming. Because if he did, then I wouldn't be able to forgive him. Yes, I know, the Doctor, Jack's non-plus-ultra, and this episode wasn't TW, it was DW, making Jack one of many fawning companions. But even if the companions make a habit out of happily leaving their families behind when the Doctor whistles, I can't believe Jack would have been so... cheery, leaving Ianto and Gwen, had he known the Daleks were coming.

As for your interpretation of the aftermath: Beautiful. Beautiful, sad, well-deserved. And I pray it won't come to this.

"But.... I said I'd come back," Jack whispered, trying to get his head around what she was saying.
Like a child. A child that can't understand that saying sorry doesn't make everything right again. Because, the last time they were mad when he took off without a word, so now, that he said he'd be back, everything had to be okay.

Looking back, he realised that Ianto had known it as well, when he had tried to smile and nod as Jack made his useless promise and then abandoned them.
Oh yes, he had known. Had known what Jack would do, had to do for the greater good, and made it as easy for him as possible, smiling and nodding and letting Jack believe that of course they would be alright.

the machine had been left to gather dust
*smiles sadly* I bet no one else could operate it.

Jack had left him again, would always leave him again, so long as the Doctor drew breath.
Two seasons of TW, two seasons for Jack to grow and mature and become a, well, alpha male (sorry, can't think of a better term with my brain so broken) of his own, and then that blue box appears, with its not perfect, not infallible, not all-knowing driver, and all those character developments are forgotten.

"I need you," he said baldly, the fact that he had to admit that very obviously grating at his pride.
The Doctor's dirty little secret. And Jack has nothing else left.

Thank you. It's. Well, it made me cry.


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