Well, I've tried to keep it down to 60 (and spent a lot of time swearing under my breath and editing and re-editing!). To save on numbers, I've restricted myself to one title from any favourite authors output - and that was a total killer in itself! It was actually a little startling to find what did and didn't make the grade and the gaps I still have in my collection, damn it!
To keep it to 60, I deleted the ones I already underlined as favourites in the previous list. I've also refrained from putting the Welsh titles in, as most of you won't know what the hell they are! *grin*
Anyway, for your amusement (and probable bewilderment) here is the list:
FAVOURITE BOOKS (in no particular order)
1. A Morbid Taste For Bones by Ellis Peters
2. Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters
3. The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge
4. Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust
5. The Dolphin and the Deep by Gray Morrow and Thomas Burnett Swann
6. How Are The Mighty Fallen by Thomas Burnett Swann
7. Bring On The Empty Horses by David Niven
8. Dear Me by Peter Ustinov
9. Unreliable Memoirs by Clive James
10. Audrey Hepburn, Elegant Spirit by Sean Hepburn Ferrer
11. Leonardo da Vinci: the Complete Works
12. Unicorns I Have Known by Robert Vavra
13. Cotillion by Georgette Heyer
14. The Emperor of Dreams by Clark Ashton Smith
15. Edgar Allan Poe : Complete Tales and Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
16. Catseye by Andre Norton
17. Exile's Honor by Mercedes Lackey
18. The Witches of Karres by James H. Schmitz
19. Earthman's Burden by Poul Anderson & Gordon Dickinson
20. Exiled from Camelot by Cherith Baldry
21. My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell
22. Too Many Magicians by Randall Garrett
23. Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey
24. The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper
25. Over the Hills to Fabylon by Nicholas Stuart Grey
26. Northwest Smith by C.L. Moore
27. The Story of the Stone by Barry Hughhart
28. The Dying Earth by Jack Vance
29. The Sector General books by James White
30. Cats In The Belfry by Doreen Tovey
31. Sacred Celebrations by Glennie Kindred
32. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
33. The Complete Works of Walter de la Mare
34. Chaos of the Night selected by Catherine Reilly
35. William Shakespeare: An Illustrated Biography by Anthony Holden
36. The Chronicles of the Celts by Peter Beresford Ellis
37. Mabinogion trans by Sioned Davies
38. The Merlin Trilogy by Mary Stewart
39. Six Ponies by Josephine Pullein-Thompson
40. Dylan Thomas Omnibus by Dylan Thomas
41. Dafydd ap Gwilym: His Poems by Dafydd ap Gwilym (trans by Gwyn Thomas)
42. A Body to Dye For by Grant Michaels
43. Casanova by Derek Parker
44. A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond
45. Cat In A Red Hot Rage by Carole Nelson Douglas
46. Black As He's Painted by Ngaio Marsh
47. Lord Peter - A Collection of all the Lord Peter Wimsey Stories by Dorothy L. Sayers
48. Traitor's Purse by Margaret Allingham
49. Elizabeth's London by Liza Picard
50. Cosmos by Carl Sagan
51. Seven Thousand Years of Jewellery ed by Hugh Tait
52. Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life
53. All the Asterix & Obelix books
54. The Collected Poems of W.B Yeats
55. Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh
56. The Waste Land and Other Poems by T.S. Eliot
57. Modesty Blaise by Peter O'Donnell
58. Red As Blood by Tanith Lee
59. Jade ed. by Roger Keverne
60. Discworld series by Terry Pratchett