my mom just called and asked me if JOey talked about Gage to me. i asked who Gage was, and she said to just ask him.
so i ask Joey if he's talked to Gage. Joey just said "who's Gage?" so i told mom.
then mom tells someone on her end of the phone that Joey said "who's Gage?"
here i'm thinking maybe Tayler let him watch pet semetary or something. and he got scared of the kid Gage.
i almost wish it were that.
Gage is a co-worker/friend of my bro-in-law Josh, and Anthony.
apparently Saturday sometime Joey was asking Tayler who Gage was. Tayler didn't know. Yet Joey kept asking. Anthony (mom's friends son who is living with them) heard them talking about Gage, didn't think anything of it.
Well, Saturday night my sister Terri, Josh, and Anthony all went to some party. While there, they found out that Gage hung himself Friday. which then caused them to ask about Joey wanting to know who Gage was.
he hasn't done anything like that in a while. my mom told Anthony about
the "mom's friend" part of this post..
Freaky stuff man.