Title: What Only the Heart Can See
Pairing: TaNaka (one-sided JunRu, JunDa and now - Akame!)
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, AU
Rating: NC 17 (for smut and violence)
Disclaimer: I only own the plot.
Summary: Nakamaru had always dreamed of finding love that he can cherish and when a man named Tanaka Koki came to his life, he believed that forever has begun with the love that they share. Until a tragedy happens and teaches both of them that love is not simply made of fun and happiness, it also comes with pain and sacrifice.
Author’s notes: SURPRIIIISE!!! I'm still alive and after a veeeeeeery long unexplained hiatus... I have finally updated this fic. I hope you still remember it~
Chapter 1 - BEGINNINGChapter 2 - FAMILYChapter 3 - CHOICES +
JunDa side storyChapter 4 - DANGERChapter 5 - ABDUCTIONChapter 6 - TORTUREChapter 7 - AFTERMATHChapter 8 - DARKNESS **NEW** CHAPTER 9 - A NEW BEGINNING