Title: Frustrating Cups of Coffee
heicherryPairing(s): Nakamaru/Ueda, Taguchi/Ueda, Nakamaru/Tanaka
Genre: Romance, Yaoi, Slice Of Life
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters !
Warning(s): un-beta-d and will be locked after 3 days.
Summary: Childhood friends Junno & Ueda seperate ways due to issues about Junno being self-centered and childish. If this is the case, will they be able to forget each other when all their life, they were simply attached to each other? How about Maru who is Ueda's lover? Having a fulfilled relationship, can Junno & Koki still barge in and destroy it?
Author's Note: Hey. This took me a lot of time since my usb got virus and deleted everything. But hey, hope you guys enjoy! A request from
a_k_k_h_n! Sorry if this took so long! Oh, and Go-chan please wait for your request~ I kinda used up all my JINspiration here. ^^; I`m not even sure if this is still a one-shot.
Where is he? Tell me! )