Jun 16, 2011 13:06
This is not personally to someone but the people out there, fandom, fake friends and to who it applies.
The Thing I HATE the most are people who are judging me without knowing me. Unfortunately there are a lot of people like this. And I also hate when people lie to me things and they are as idiots they think I am as stupid to believe them.
Hate me because of the way I think? Or what I write into my journal?
A friend of urs doesnt really like me and u believe every shit about me said by her becoming cold to me?
Did I ever tell you to believe me?
Did I ever hate you for your own opinion?
Dont u think u r childish and phatetic if u do?
Get a life.
Want to judge me? Want to hate me? Want to talk behind my back? Or believe every shit people are telling about me who you dont even know just talked to a few times online?
Get to know me first, then do it. Because maybe you are in a very big misunderstanding and not right.
Think that I lie in things? Feel free to try to prove it, you will fail.
I just needed to write this out.
I know they are too immature to even care to know me before judging or to see anything else than their obsessed own opinion. Coz always they are right, ne? :) They cant be wrong in anything, they are more than perfect :) Not even working in the media once, not even being to Japan once, but they know EVERYTHING, right? :) And they know everything right. They cant make mistakes.
I dont joke when I say I could prove kind of everything I say. But i wont waste my time, u r not worth to prove anything. U wouldnt believe either coz its not what ur opinion is. So it is equal to "itsnottrue".
I read a saying which I cant really remember word by word but the meaning was this: "Dont try to prove, your friends believe you and ur enemies will never no matter what u do."
Grow up man.
If you are one of these people and you are on my flist please DELETE ME from your list. Thank you. I dont need such "friends"